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Confirmation Trip to DC

Our confirmation class along with three adults will be traveling to Washington, D.C. from June 11 to 15 to explore faith and service in our nation’s capital city. We are partnering with The Pilgrimage and First UCC-DC

The PilgrimageWhen we arrive at The Pilgrimage on Saturday evening, there will some confirmation students and the minister of faith formation from First UCC-DC there to meet us and we’ll  get acquainted. They’ll be staying overnight with us Saturday at The Pilgrimage. (There will also be a large group from Kansas there – 33 of them.) They will have their own programming but we’ll be sharing sleeping and kitchen space with them.)

Sunday morning, we’ll go to First UCC-DC for their 10:30 worship service (Pastor Phil will be preaching there), then grab lunch to go and see some sites around Washington that will help us deepen our understanding of the history and diversity of the city. We’ll spend the evening processing the day a bit and just hanging out.

On Monday, we will work at Central Union Mission in the morning and serve lunch there, then come back to The Pilgrimage to meet with someone from the National Coalition for the Homeless. That person will take us onto the streets to bring food to the homeless.

On Tuesday, we will serve breakfast one day at Charlie’s Place (which means getting up really early that day). We will spend the afternoon working with Washington Parks and People. (The field director there is Jeffrey Catts, husband of Sid Fowler, the pastor at First UCC-DC.)

On Wednesday morning, we will debrief with the staff of The Pilgrimage, then get a behind-the-scenes tour of the National Cathedral.

We’ll head back to Madison on mid-afternoon on Wednesday.