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Faith Development for Children

2023-24 Programs for Children

The 2023-24 Sunday School year began September 17th. Our curriculum is:
4K-2nd grade: Holy Moly
3rd-5th grade: Holy Moly
6th-8th grade: Re:form and Re:form Ancestors
High School students: All youth in high school whether they’re pre- or post-confirmation or not doing confirmation can attend the middle school class discussion, attend service, volunteer doing sound in the media room or run the camera for Zoom.


Upcoming Events:
May 19th:
Last day of Sunday school classes
May 26th: End of Sunday school year game day

Some of our past events:
April 14th:
Youth Group will take part in a city-wide Bible trivia competition called, The Amazing Grace
March 31st (Easter) at 9 am:
Easter Egg Hunt for children AND youth
February 23rd:
Escape Room and Laser Tag at Spare Time
Jan. 13th:
Youth group activity was making plastic yard from grocery bags and turning them into mats for the houseless.
Dec. 10th: 9th annual Nifty Gifty Advent Workshop, during the 9:30 am worship service.
Dec. 9th:
Interfaith field trip to Deer Park Buddhist Center at 1pm.
Dec. 3rd:
Making gingerbread nativity sets after worship.
Nov. 26th: Making reusable Advent calendars in Sunday school.
September 29th: Youth Group – Welcome to a new year!
September 10th:
Pizza Party! Children and youth picked veggies from our pizza garden then prepared pizzas that were served during fellowship. 


Mission Statement

To create and promote opportunities for religious education, spiritual growth, and intergenerational connections for our members and friends throughout their lifespans.

Our picture policy

We will not identify any children by name in photos on the web site or Facebook. We ask members and friends to notify us on the registration form if they do not want their children pictured on the web site or Facebook at all. Please let the pastor or director of faith development know if you are concerned about this.

Confirmation Trip to DC

Here’s a link to information on our trip in June 2016.
