January 27, 2019
A quorum was declared present. Council President Jacy Boldebuck called the meeting to order. Pastor Kris Gorton shared an opening prayer.
2017 Annual Meeting minutes approval. Gary Johnson made the motion to approve the minutes as written, which was seconded by Kaitlin Young and passed.
Words from the Council President: Jacy Boldebuck offered words of appreciation, love and support for those at Memorial. We are a healthy family, becoming a new thing…as we look afresh at who we are, who we need to be and support one another—we are all very lucky to be part of the body of Christ at work.
Council Members: Jan Klawitter, Rita Elver and Janine Bessemer are all leaving the Council. We thank them for their service and will miss their expertise!
John Hilliard moved and Jan Klawitter seconded the nominations of Dean Baumgartner, Anna Bast and John Rosch to Council. Motion passed.
2019 Budget: Gary Johnson began by reminding us to celebrate who we have been and who we will be in the future. Gary also expressed his deepest thanks to John Van Overbeke for his work as financial secretary and asked members to consider stepping in to allow John to move away from the role. Gary also complimented on Dean Baumgartner’s leadership in completing the Solar for Good project and John Van Overbeke’s oversight in collecting the Taubert estate endowment.
Gary reviewed the different funds available at MUCC including the Ahrnsbak Fund, Endowment, Giving Locally, Benevolent, Memorial Gift and Building funds.
The 2019 budget includes paying off the building mortgage, raises for all employees, a reduced nursery staff [no longer scheduled for the 8:15 service] and includes a 2018 carryover amount of $5,156. Expenses and income are estimated at $252,396. Rick Orton asked why administrative expenses are expected to go down in 2019. John responded that support for Karin Well’s will drop in 2019. Sue Webb moved and Jan Pitas seconded a motion to approve the 2019 budget which passed.
Other Business:
Open and Affirming: An amendment to Memorial’s constitution, to include the term “gender identities” in the definition of ‘membership’ was offered by the Church Council.
Membership in this church is open to any person who has been baptized and either has been confirmed or who has publicly stated a willingness to follow in Jesus’ way – in accordance with the gospel covenant which binds into a unity all faithful people. We welcome persons of all ages, races, sexual orientations, gender identities and church backgrounds to participate in the life and ministry of our church.
Questions from the congregation included: Dick Runge asked if those not confirmed would be included in our processes? Jan Pitas asked what that would look like? Adult confirmation or adult baptism? Rick Orton asked if new members meet with Pastor Kris or with lay leaders? Gloria Holtz asked what the ‘publicly stated a willingness to follow in Jesus’ way’ means? Pastor Kris addressed each of the questions and provided examples.
Gary Johnson moved to approve the above open and affirming statement, seconded by Jim Veloff. The motion passed unanimously.
Nona Suhr moved and Joyce Crim seconded a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin