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Worship Teams

Here are the people helping out with worship. If you would like to be a liturgist – the one who leads prayers and reads the scripture passages – or would like to be an usher, please contact the church office.

January 5

8:15 a.m.
Liturgist—Nancy Baumgarder

10:00 a.m.
Liturgist—Marty Smith
Ushers—Jeff Falkner, Jacy and Jon
Boldebuck, Dick Runge, C.Y. Allen
Communion—Sarah Fritz
Media—Pete Young
Nursery—Frances Mozer & Brenda Boutelle
Fellowship—*Donut Sunday

January 12

8:15 a.m.
Liturgist—Jeanne Prueher
Usher—Cathy Halpin

10:00 a.m.
Liturgist—Lisa Schoenwetter
Ushers—Rick Orton, Cindy and John Rosch, Steve Gorton
Media—Jon Boldebuck
Nursery—Brenda Boutelle & Ed Turner
*Just Bakery

January 19

8:15 a.m.
Liturgist—Gary Johnson
Usher—Merry Spangler

10:00 a.m.
Liturgist—Connie Hay
Ushers—John and Bonnie Overbeke, Terry and Jan Hoffman
Media—Bill Jetzer
Nursery—Frances Mozer & Brenda Boutelle
Fellowship—Mike & Lily Shapiro

January 26

 8:15 a.m.
Liturgist—Merry Spangler
Usher—Rober Elver

10:00 a.m.
Liturgist—John Rosch
Ushers—Damon and Carrie Smith, Nancy
Potter, Jay Johnson
Media—Jim Veloff
Nursery—Frances Mozer & Ed Turner
