1:30 pm FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, MADISON: CROP is the Church World Service hunger relief support system that benefits all of our local food pantries as well as world hunger needs. Memorial UCC has been a consistent leader in this event for several years!
How to participate:
*Paper walk/donation forms are in the narthex.
*Join our on-line team or donate. Search Madison Area Crop Walk. Scroll to find a search for team name. Our team is memorialucc. Or email Nancy Baumgardner at nancybaumgardner@gmail.com to be added to the team!
Other volunteers needed this year:
1. A volunteer who can help shepherd the team at the walk.
2. There is a GB Packers photo stop on the walk. One or more people needed to help folks who wish, to set up their photo and camera.
3. There is a position on the walk for musicians to serenade walkers – sing- play. All just for fun.
Let us know if you’d like to join the Memorial UCC team! 608.273.1008