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February Health Tip – Exercise

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Benefits of Exercise

“Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life”  (Pr.4:23)

Last month we talked about exercise and bone health.  February is “Heart Month” and we all should know by now how exercise decreases the chance of developing heart disease.

Studies have shown that the people who benefit most from starting (and sticking to) an exercise program are those who go from a sedentary (“couch potato”) lifestyle to a moderately energetic lifestyle.*

A moderate program can consist of:

-Bicycling with the children a few times a week as the weather permits

-Daily 20-30 minute walks.  In winter try the perimeters of a mall

-Going to the gym every other day, or hopping on that equipment you have in the basement

-Playing golf regularly when the season begins

Keep moving!

*MedlinePlus  U.S. National Library of Medicine
