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Abbey of the Arts

Cultivating: Space to Listen

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Cultivating: Space to Listen, HERE. One of the “what can we do as we self-isolate at home?” activities you might have taken part in during the pandemic is binge watching shows on a streaming platform. How many of you can relate? Have any of you binge watched a series or two… or three… or more? Which ones have you watched? I am not much of a TV watcher, but even I have gotten hooked on a few shows—the most recent of which has been the Mandalorian. The Mandalorian is a continuation of the Star Wars saga, taking place a few years after the dest...
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Cultivating: Delights of Love

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Cultivating: Delights of Love, HERE. My dad was a high school math teacher. Now and then, he would toss out random story problems for me to solve. Now, how many of you are good doing math in your head? As a kid, I was, and was even on our high school math team (I fully embrace my geekiness!). I remember the excitement I had when my school supply list included a Texas Instrument calculator, and how disappointed my dad was that the school would allow us to use a calculator in class. However you do math, whether it is mentally, or you use a cal...
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