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radical welcome

Expansive Love

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Expansive Love, HERE. When I was a child, one of my favorite poems was by A. A. Milne, Halfway Down[1]: Halfway down the stairsis a stairwhere I sit.there isn't anyother stairquite like it.I'm not at the bottom,I'm not at the top;so this is the stairwhereI alwaysstop.Halfway up the stairsIsn't upAnd it isn't down.It isn't in the nursery,It isn't in town.And all sorts of funny thoughtsRun round my head.It isn't reallyAnywhere!It's somewhere elseInstead! Somewhere else instead. There is anything much more ordinary than a flight of stairs? I re...
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A Circle of Welcome

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, A Circle of Welcome, HERE. The Bible reading this morning is brief, only 3 verses. Yet it is full of circle upon circle of “whoevers” and “welcomes” which invite us into God’s extravagant hospitality. And interconnected circles can be healing. To put the verses in context, “This week’s reading from Matthew follows immediately on last week’s; Jesus is commissioning the disciples into the countryside to preach and heal, and as they go, he wants them to think of themselves as intimately participating in him and the One who sent him, so much so ...
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