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Signs, Wonder…and Widening

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris' reflection "Signs, Wonder… and Widening" HERE. This is a story of change. In first century Jerusalem, things are changing. In worship the past few weeks, we have been hearing Luke’s description of Jesus’s last days, death, and resurrection—all set in the context of conflict with the empire. Rigid structures of oppression. Something was changing. God has continuously created a narrative of hope and started anew. In Jesus’ time people on the margins, the women, children, men tending to livestock in the fields and fishing local waters… these were jobs whic...
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Wilderness: A Place of Surprises

You might not know that planning for each worship service begins months in advance. That gives the worship team, from the music ministries to the worship committee and faith development, time to collaborate. Back in December, in all its darkness and cold, with the holidays in full swing, I sat down to prayerfully reflect on Lent. The Bible passages we read today had already been selected and the hymns picked. The theme chosen for these 6 weeks was wilderness. On that day waaaaay back in December a sermon series emerged. Thus, when Lent arrived two weeks ago we started out with Wilderness: A p...
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God’s Promised Day: Peace

Today is the second Sunday in Advent, that season in the Church calendar during which we reflect on the question, “what does it mean for God to be born in our midst?” This week I ran across one of those “things that they do not teach you in seminary” moments. On Twitter. Now, before you say “Oh great, Twitter,” I ask you to answer this question: What do each of the four Advent candles represent? The congregation had an opportunity to respond. I ask you this because I was intrigued by a Twitter thread, or conversation, that ran like this— Person 1: Okay folks. WHAT the heck are the f...
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