Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
February 12, 2019
Present: Anna Bast, Dean Baumgardner, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer and John Rosch
Absent: Jacy Boldebuck, Rebecca Malke and Sue Webb
Guest: Ben Wealti
Kris opened with a reading from Redeeming Administration.
Sarah welcomed our three new Council members and made introductions.
John made a motion to approve the January minutes, seconded by Ryan. Motion passed.
Trustees & Financial Report: Dean reports that January’s finances are similar to recent years. MUCC pays employee and building insurances for the entire year in January resulting in a slight loss for the month that will disappear as the year goes on.
Dean indicates that Terry Kiss Frank’s estate gifted $1,000 to MUCC. Trustees would like to use it for something musical to honor Terry. Kelly suggested perhaps we could purchase a license to use Terry’s copy written music.
Pastor’s Report
Author Glennon Doyle will be speaking at First Congregational Church in early spring.
Kris shared her March through October planning schedule indicating some upcoming dates for pulpit supply (April 7th, May 19th and June 23rd) as well as vacation coverage from August 12th through 26th and September 8th through 14th.
Kris has and continues to spend time with adults and youth determining what confirmation should look like at MUCC. Tentatively there will be 13 youth participating including three with physical or cognitive developmental disabilities. Those plans are being firmed up and Kris shared the tentative 2019-2020 confirmation schedule.
Doctrine of Discovery discussions are ongoing at MUCC as well as a planned trip to worship with the Ho Cak in Black River Falls.
Kris is participating in several ‘widening circles’ including Voices Network, Fitchburg Community and Faith Leaders and Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice in the next few weeks.
MUCC’s Fitchburg Star advertisement for Lent projects and ‘Ashes to Go’ was nicely done.
Kris asked if there is any reason she should avoid taking vacation two weeks in a row. Consensus was two weeks or even up to a month in a single block is fine.
Faith Development Director’s Report
Sarah and the entire Council complimented Rebecca on how smoothly Sunday School works, how respectful she is of the children and they are in return.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: Sarah indicates the Committee has decided there no longer needs to be a separate Council representative to the Faith Development Committee as Rebecca does an outstanding job of keeping everyone apprised of what’s happening.
Special Events: Kelly indicates the evening of music will be scheduled on a Saturday night in mid to late March. Kris suggested Music Makers would like to be invited to participate.
The chili cook-off and the Gorton’s Open House have not yet been scheduled.
Membership: No report
Outreach: No report
Buildings & Grounds: No report.
Worship: No report.
Council Officers and Committee Liaisons
Discussed the role of committee liaisons—liaisons need not [but certainly may] attend committee meetings and need not be members of the committee. They should make contact with the Chair before Council meetings to determine info to report.
John moved and Kelly seconded a motion to approve the following slate for 2019:
Sarah Fritz—President
Jacy Boldebuck—Vice President
Stewardship—Sue Webb
Membership—Anna Bast
Worship—John Rosch
Special Events—Kelly Jetzer
Outreach—Ryan Estrella
Buildings and Grounds—Dean Baumgardner
Motion approved.
Old Business
UCC Conferences: The Southwest Association and Wisconsin Conference meeting [Living the Light] have been combined this year. They meet in the Dells April 5th and 6th. Dean moved that Jacy Boldebuck and Bonnie Van Oberbeke be approved as council delegates. John seconded the motion, approved unanimously.
Special Offerings: Dean offered that anything other than an annual pledge is considered a ‘special offering’ by the Trustees. In 2016, MUCC’s Council voted to limit special offerings to once per quarter.
Discussed the number of times Council wants to ask for special purpose offerings when there are other alternatives managed by the Trustees. Dean handed out a drawing showing the overlap of funds available managed by the Trustees, Outreach Committee and the Pastor.
Several groups have contacted MUCC seeking outreach funds for various efforts. The earliest request, East High School, is looking to take a trip to Kenya and will be making a presentation to MUCC on March 3rd. Dean recommended that Kris write the group a check from the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund [to be reimbursed by Trustees from Endowment Funds] in order to meet the short timetable rather than ask for a special offering.
Consideration of other special offering recipients was tabled until March’s Council meeting.
New Business
Ministry Teams: Defined teams as either ‘ad hoc’ [short term, limited purpose] or permanent [ongoing mission]. Discussed whether some teams should be added to the list of those permanent committees listed above reporting to Council or if they should be attached to one of the Committees above.
Kris is taking the lead in creating a Communication team
[web site development, business cards, banner and the like]
. She will approach John Dipko, Lisa Schoenwetter and Melissa Simon to see if they would be interested.
The Care Team, Personnel Committee, Tech Communication Team and Pastoral Care Team all need to be defined as ad hoc or permanent. Discussion was tabled until March.
Recycling: MUCC’s recycling efforts are not going well. Referred to Building and Grounds for action.
Family Friendly Services: Guest Ben Wealti presented two youth/family friendly ideas: waffle [or taco] church [a short service, some music, fellowship and waffles or tacos] one weekend evening per month and/or a puppy party [4-6 puppies visiting for a short service. Consensus is Ben should explore the ideas by gathering a group together to help/facilitate preparation. Council thanks Ben for his enthusiasm and fun ideas!
Costumes: Dean indicates there are many children’s costumes in the attic. If anyone has ideas as to an organization which would like have them let Dean know.
2019 Goals: Sarah asked if we should create goals for 2019. Tabled until March.
Ryan’s motion to adjourn passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin