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Council Minutes

Council Minutes for December 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting December 10, 2019 Present: Dean Baumgartner, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz (President), Pastor Kris Gorton, Cathy Halpin (Secretary), Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke and John Rosch Absent:  Jacy Boldebuck (Vice President) and Sue Webb Kris opened with a prayer. John moved and Kelly seconded a motion to approve the November 12, 2019 minutes. Approved. Ongoing Business: Dean submitted drafts of all MUCC job descriptions, the updated organization chart and revised personnel policies asking for comments, corrections and changes to be finalized at the...
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Council Minutes for November 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting November 12, 2019 Present: Dean Baumgartner, Sarah Fritz (President), Pastor Kris Gorton, Cathy Halpin (Secretary), Kelly Jetzer, John Rosch and Sue Webb Absent:  Anna Bast, Jacy Boldebuck (Vice President), Ryan Estrella and Rebecca Malke Kris opened with a prayer. Sarah moved and Sue seconded a motion to modify and approve the October 8, 2019 minutes. Approved. Ongoing Business: Sarah notes that the team nominating new Council members will forward Cathy Halpin, Jackie Caravello, Dick Runge and John Dipko to the congr...
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Council Minutes for October 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting October 8, 2019 Present: Dean Baumgartner, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Pastor Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch and Sue Webb Absent: Anna Bast and Jacy Boldebuck Guest: Tony Young Kris opened with a reading. Sarah moved and Sue seconded a motion to modify and approve the September 13, 2019 minutes. Approved. New Business: Sarah notes that up to four Council Members will be leaving in 2020. A nominating committee comprised of Jacy, Sarah and Kelly will begin seeking new members. Sarah repor...
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Council Minutes for September 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting September 10, 2019 Present: Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch and Sue Webb Absent:  Anna Bast, Dean Baumgardner, Jacy Boldebuck, and Pastor Kris Gorton Guest:  Tony Young Sarah opened with a beautiful prayer. John moved and Kelly seconded a motion to modify and approve the August 13, 2019 minutes. Approved. New Business: Kelly reports the Pastoral Relations Committee recommends re-establishing a parish nurse-type position. Discussed if this is affordable, if new initiative fu...
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Council Minutes for April 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting April 9, 2019 Present:  Dean Baumgardner, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch and Sue Webb Absent: Anna Bast and Kelly Jetzer Pastor Kris opened with prayer. Jacy moved and Sue seconded motion to approve the March minutes. Approved. Trustees Report: Dean reports our Vanguard holdings have recovered from volatile markets. We are adding insurance coverage per the insurance company’s recommendations. The additional coverage will not only protect us for building loss but ...
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Council Minutes for January 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting January 8, 2019 Present:  Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke and Sue Webb Absent: Janine Bessemer, Rita Elver and Jan Klawitter Guest:  Gary Johnson Kris opened with a reading from The Soul’s Slow Ripening Kelly made a motion to approve the modified December minutes. Sarah seconded. Passed. Trustees & Financial Report:  John reports final 2018 income was $5,085 less than budgeted; expenses were $8,241 less than budgeted for a net surplu...
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Council Minutes for March 2019

MUCC COUNCIL MEETING March 12, 2019 Present: Pastor Kris Gorton, Anna Bast, Dean Baumgardner, Sarah Fritz, Kelly Jetzer, John Rosch and Sue Webb Absent: Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella and Rebecca Malke Guest: Tony Young Pastor Kris opened the meeting with a prayer. The minutes from the February, 2019, meeting were moved for approval by Dean (after two minor corrections), which was seconded by John and passed. Ongoing Business: The assignment of ministry teams to existing committees (for the purposes of council liaison representation and organizational clarity) was discu...
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Council Minutes for February 2019

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting February 12, 2019 Present:  Anna Bast, Dean Baumgardner, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer and John Rosch Absent: Jacy Boldebuck, Rebecca Malke and Sue Webb Guest:  Ben Wealti Kris opened with a reading from Redeeming Administration. Sarah welcomed our three new Council members and made introductions. John made a motion to approve the January minutes, seconded by Ryan. Motion passed. Trustees & Financial Report:  Dean reports that January’s finances are similar to recent years. MUC...
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Council Minutes for December 2018

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting December 11, 2018 Present:  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Rita Elver, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, and John Van Overbeke Absent: Sue Webb Guest:  Gary Johnson Kris opened with a reading from Being A First Church: What a Pastor’s First Congregation Should Know Janine made a motion to approve the modified November minutes. Sarah seconded. Passed. Financial Report Gary reports a 2019 budgeted shortfall of approximately $9,800 due to reduced pledging. Disc...
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Council Minutes for October 2018

Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting October 9, 2018 Present:  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Rita Elver, Ryan Estrella, Kris Gorton, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke and Sue Webb Absent: Sarah Fritz and Kelly Jetzer Guest:  Tony Young Kris opened with a prayer. Janine made a motion to modify and approve the September minutes. Jan seconded. Passed. Financial Report John indicates have spent $10,000 less than budgeted and our income is slightly behind ($5,500). Sue moved to approve the financial report. Jan seconded. Approved. ...
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