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Council Minutes for November 2019

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Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting

November 12, 2019

Present: Dean Baumgartner, Sarah Fritz (President), Pastor Kris Gorton, Cathy Halpin (Secretary), Kelly Jetzer, John Rosch and Sue Webb

Absent:  Anna Bast, Jacy Boldebuck (Vice President), Ryan Estrella and Rebecca Malke

Kris opened with a prayer.

Sarah moved and Sue seconded a motion to modify and approve the October 8, 2019 minutes. Approved.

Ongoing Business:

Sarah notes that the team nominating new Council members will forward Cathy Halpin, Jackie Caravello, Dick Runge and John Dipko to the congregation at its January meeting.

Council would like to thank Anna Bast for her past service on Council and invite her join us again in the future! 

John moved to declare an immediate Council vacancy (Anna’s), Dean seconded the motion. Approved.

John moved that Cathy Halpin should fill the open position. Kelly seconded the motion. Approved.

Office Manager vacancy update:  2nd interviews have been completed.

Sarah thanked everyone for their help and time spent on the Strategic Planning preparation and retreat.

Dean reported on the first deliverable from the strategic planning session.  Council acknowledged that Memorial needs to free Pastor Kris from administrative duties to allow her more time for pastoral needs. Dean compared the current organization chart to a new, suggested organization which deletes the Office Manager position and creates a half-time Church Administrator position. New position descriptions for the Pastor and the Church Administrator were shared with a recommendation that the new position be salaried and provided benefits.

John moved and Sue seconded a motion to postpone Office Manager hiring. Approved. John moved and Sue seconded a motion to accept the reorganization recommendations and to move forward to provide interim paid office help as necessary. Approved. John moved and Sue seconded a motion to hire a Church Administrator by the end of the first quarter of 2020. Approved. John moved and Sue seconded a motion to table discussion of a Parish Nurse/Social Worker until we can evaluate the success of the new position to free Pastor Kris from administrative duties. Approved.

John moved and Kelly seconded a motion to postpone the second deliverable assigned from the strategic planning session—creation of a process by which we can determine the congregation’s needs and where we should be spending our time and resources. Approved.

Dean moved and Kelly seconded a motion to move pastoral requests to ongoing business and a motion to separate pastoral hospital visits from home visits. Both approved.

New Business:

Sarah requested that members contact each team (committee) to submit their annual reports in by the beginning of December to allow time to prepare the annual report before Barb St. John leaves.

The annual meeting should include a report on the re-carpeting of church, the reorganization of office administration duties, the 2020 budget, and approval of the new slate of Council members. Boris Frank should be invited to the meeting to thank him for his huge contribution to our strategic planning.

Tabled discussions of changes to the 8:15 service and pastoral educational request.

Tabled and sent Pastor Kris’s Sabbath change request to the Pastoral Relations team.

Approved building request for Church Women United February 7th.

Committee Reports:

Buildings and Grounds:  Dean reports on the process for selecting new carpeting. Everyone will be invited to see the options and provide feedback on December 4th

Dean moved, seconded by John that we initiate a two year cycle of a furnace inspection ($600) one year and an HVAC inspection the following year. Approved

Membership:  No report.

Outreach:  This team will meet later in November and finalize end of year giving.

Special Events:  Kelly reports considering a Night of Music event in 2020.  

Stewardship:  Sue reports pledges for 2020 are running a bit behind 2019. Thus far there has been $196,900 (67 pledges) but pledges continue to be submitted. 2019 pledges totaled $232,500 (92 pledges).

Worship:  John reports the Unraveled art projects are finished and that planning for Transition Sunday and Advent art projects are ongoing.

Faith Development Director’s Report:

Sunday School is going well. Youth are planning to rake a congregant’s lawn as a community service project.

Sixteen people attended the November First Friday Fellowship; FFF agendas are planned through May.

Anyone wishing to see Frozen 2 is invited to sign up for a special showing on December 6th.


Next Meeting:  December 10, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin aHalpH
