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Council Minutes for April 2019

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Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting

April 9, 2019

Present:  Dean Baumgardner, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch and Sue Webb

Absent: Anna Bast and Kelly Jetzer

Pastor Kris opened with prayer.

Jacy moved and Sue seconded motion to approve the March minutes. Approved.

Trustees Report:

Dean reports our Vanguard holdings have recovered from volatile markets.

We are adding insurance coverage per the insurance company’s recommendations. The additional coverage will not only protect us for building loss but places greater protection for ‘employment practices’ lawsuits [sexual harassment, discrimination, etc.].

Pastor’s Report:

Kris reports she attended the WI Conference of United Church of Christ and Southwest Association’s combined meeting along with Bonnie Van Overbeke, Jacy Boldebuck and Karin Wells. During the meetings a resolution passed to repudiate the Doctrine of Discovery!

Pastoral Care for Congregation—Please, everyone, it’s a really hard, stressful job to be a parent. Concerns from members are on the rise…help in whatever way you are able and please keep all parents in your prayers.

Lenten projects:  Participated in Habitat for Humanity Dane County in the Allied Drive area. People of Faith United for Justice – along with the 1st United Methodist Church — are working to lobby on the State Budget [clean water, affordable care and children’s health].

Special Services:  Planning Earth Day service [4-28] celebrating planting five additional trees in our orchard [peach and apple], Break the Silence service [5-5], Drum Circle [5-10], and Prison Ministry preacher Jerry Hancock [5-19].

The summer one-service Sundays will start on June 9th.  There will be an end of the year party on June 2nd [last day of Sunday School].

Pastor Kris will be at a conference the week of May 13-17 thus missing the next Council meeting.

Faith Development Director’s Report:

The visit to the Ho Cak congregation [The Doctrine of Discovery] in Black River Falls which was postponed due to poor weather, is being rescheduled.

Held a Sunday School teacher ‘thank you’ with coffee and pastries at a Verona shop. Sunday School is concentrating on post resurrection stories and then Paul in the final session.

Rebecca has prepared 25 family bags [Lent in a Bag] containing symbols and readings. Twenty-two of the twenty five bags were used!

Book sale is going well—books for infants to teens and books about Easter are available. 

9 youth and 3 adults have signed up for ‘mystery friends’ thus far.

First Friday Fellowship is averaging approximately 13 per month, mindfulness averages 10 and Lent classes 10.

Committee Reports:

Buildings and Grounds:  Dean reports we have just completed our best month ever for solar energy collection—despite what the online reporting shows. We need to update the software in order to coordinate the online data with the true amount collected.

The Tech Team requests purchasing new microphones for $500+. Dean moved and John seconded a motion to approve the purchase.  Motion approved.

Spring cleanup will be May 18th.

Membership:  Kris recently sent letters to several members who have not attended in a while to discern their wishes to stay members or change their status.

Outreach:  No report.

Special Events:  Easter Breakfast will be held between the two services Easter day. Night of Music will be held Friday May 3rd.

Stewardship:  Sue reports Faith & Service awards will be decided upon and awarded soon.

Worship: John reports the Maundy Thursday Service April 18th will be a Luke House meal [sloppy joes!].

Ongoing Business:

Disaster Recovery Plans:  Dean reported on the sample disaster recovery plans sent by the insurance carrier—the samples are not useful to our situation. 

Dean will address the need for a plan with Trustees and return to Council with information of current systems already in place at MUCC [backups, financial data, reports, etc.] Sarah will explore using a nearby church for shelter/prayer services—perhaps Savanna Oaks once Blackhawk no longer meets there.

New Business:

Pastor Emerita Distinction:  Jacy proposes honoring Bonnie Van Overbeke with Pastor Emerita Distinction. The requirements of this locally awarded honor is a thank you to the recipient who must be connected to the church for 10+ years, have been retired 5+ years and who has greatly shaped the congregation. Bonnie meets all the requirements and would welcome this action.  Dean moved and Sue seconded a motion to award this honor to Bonnie. Unanimously approved. Jacy will draft the paperwork and move forward on the award.

General Synod:  Sue encourages everyone to participate in Milwaukee’s June 21st through 25th General Synod.  Because costs can be high, MUCC will explore ways to help with costs.  There is a small budget for outright scholarships; may work with other area UCCs to fund a bus, arranging car-pooling for Sunday’s service and street fair.  Sarah expressed appreciation for those who are attending and volunteering.

Building Use:  Yanli Zhu, a parent of a student at Verona Area International School, requests use of MUCC facilities for her Chinese Language Summer Camps Monday through Friday from June 17th through the 28th. [8:30-5:00 pm.] Deferred discussion until we know more—how many children, do they plan to rent the space, how much space, etc.

Music Makers: Jacy will contact the new leaders and ascertain their on-going plans.

Dean moved to adjourn, seconded by Sue. Approved.

Next Meeting:  May 14th, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
