Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
October 9, 2018
Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Rita Elver, Ryan Estrella, Kris Gorton, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke and Sue Webb
Absent: Sarah Fritz and Kelly Jetzer
Guest: Tony Young
Kris opened with a prayer.
Janine made a motion to modify and approve the September minutes. Jan seconded. Passed.
Financial Report
John indicates have spent $10,000 less than budgeted and our income is slightly behind ($5,500). Sue moved to approve the financial report. Jan seconded. Approved.
Trustees Report: Trustees approved spending of $1,600: Badger Prairie [$500], Partners in Health [$100], Madison School Music Programs [$500] and India Poverty Assistance [$500].
Pastor’s Report
Orchard and memorial tree blessings, blessing of solar panels and ribbon cutting all went well. We will be providing communion supplies to Karin Wells for Oakhill Correctional services. There will be eight weeks of discussions on the book Grateful. Three to five youth will be confirmed on October 21st. Ten new members will be welcomed on October 28th and an additional two in the near future. The over 80 luncheon will also be October 28th.
A Knock-knock retreat will be held for 6th, 7th and 8th graders on November 18th. Paper invitations have been sent to the youth for this retreat.
Attended Chavez’s A Principal Experience. It was a great experience—Kris met the Principal and many teachers and would certainly attend in the future.
Welcome! Cards: do we want to add gender identity into MUCC’s ‘open and affirming’ statement? Consensus is yes, it doesn’t have to go to the congregation for a vote but will add the item to the annual meeting to also change the constitution to include this.
Building Use: Kris can approve requests for building use without Board approval. Buildings and Grounds can coordinate building access [keys]. Access requests should start with John.
Kris’ Schedule: Kris will be attending some mandatory training at the 13th SW Association November 12-13th. Kris will also be on vacation November 26th through December 1st and December 25th through 31st.
Faith Development Director’s Report
Doctor Who presentation at MUCC went well. The adult book fair is ongoing. Will be carving pumpkins and checking on a possible field trip to Apple Garten along with a potluck.
The Nursery Committee agrees with providing nursery service only at the 2nd service time; they will only need to hire 1 nursery worker with this change. Sunday School attendance has been great—2nd, 3rd and 4th graders have had 13 kids! And there are more 7th graders this year. First Friday Out group is going great; lots of great ideas—CJ Allen will be speaking on Spirituality Development, Chris Rode on grief management ideas for the holidays, a field trip to Paoli, planning to carve pumpkins.
Rebecca will be attending the Parliament of World Religions in Toronto in November.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: No report.
Outreach: Jan reports donations to fund supplies for Oakhill [via Karin Wells] will be provided through Outreach. John will contact her to set up the process. Giving Locally donation time is coming up. Outreach is looking for a new MOSES representative. Recent disbursements include $500 Good Neighbor Pantry, $500 Allied Wellness, $350 Dane Co Immigrant Assistance Fund; $75 for MOSES yearbook, $100 Prairie Needs for Thanksgiving baskets, $100 for Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice. It should be noted that there has been a recent change in the Dane County chaplaincy.
Special Events: Janine reports Karin Well’s ordination went well.
Membership: Rita reports Welcome! Cards for private prayer requests are being well used and received. It is nearing time for College Student Care packages to be provided.
Buildings & Grounds: Ryan reports the sprinkler system alarms need to be replaced. New lights for MUCCs sign and a TV for the youth room along with a new outlet are being provided.
Advanced Disposal will be providing trash removal at a savings of $22/month over Pelletier. September’s gas and electric bill was $23 due to the new solar panel success!
Worship: No report.
Old Business
Tech Team. Looking for team members to work on the carillon, recording services, repair or replace failing computers, inconsistent printing and problematic copiers. It appears 7 people are interested.
Personnel Committee updates. Co-Ministry job reviews are going well.
Stewardship: Sue indicates that cottage meetings will start this Sunday. Celebration Sunday is November 18th with a luncheon afterwards.
Music Makers: Anyone able to stop by or spend some time with the Music Makers on Saturdays are invited to do so.
New Business
Annual Meeting 2019: 2018 reports and 2019 budgets should go to Barb St. John by December 15th.
Plan to announce 2 weeks ahead, mailings out 1 week ahead of the January 27th, 2019 meeting.
Usher Training: MUCC ushers will lock the side door at the start of the second service [10:00]. One usher will stay in the narthex during that service.
Supply pastors: Do we pay for supply pastors? Usually not lay preachers but if we were to use public supply pastors we do.
Motion to adjourn passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin