Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
September 11, 2018
Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Rita Elver, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke and Sue Webb
Absent: None
Kris opened with a prayer.
Janine made a motion to modify and approve the August minutes. Sarah seconded. Passed.
Financial Report
John indicates $500 was provided for back to school backpacks. The second of two grants for Solar for Good has been received.
Trustees Report
John reports endowment giving for Dream Weavers and ARC of Dane County. Will also be providing donations to Ronald McDonald House.
Pastor’s Report
Music Makers starts later this week. Blessings of the backpacks is scheduled for Sept. 2nd. Blessings of memorial trees will be Sunday September 16th. At least 9 adults and two youth will be joining the church later this fall. Confirmation of 5 youth is scheduled for October 21st.
Faith Development Director’s Report
Discussed whether or not or how to discuss criminal records and child safety with Music Makers. Rebecca has updated CPR, fire and tornado policies and has provided all policies to Music Makers. Rebecca will be attending Healthy Boundary training.
Thirty attended a back to school party; 25 kids are enrolled in Sunday School and 5 in the nursery. This year Sunday School and the congregation will be asking and sharing questions on the bible, religion, spirituality.
Sixteen adults attended the 1st Friday Fellowship group lunch. A bulletin board will be created to ‘advertise’ these events.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: No report.
Special Events: Janine reports sixty-one people attended the grill out on Labor Day weekend. The planning for Karin Well’s ordination is ongoing.
Membership: Rita reports that Jacy Boldebuck participated in their last meeting where the group discussed the book Why People Do or Don’t Go to Church. Discussed new Welcome! Cards. The over 80 luncheon will be October 28th. Care cards will continue as will the meal train process.
Outreach: Jan reports they collected very successfully for back to school backpacks. May include giving for Christmas for Music Makers [75-100 children].
Buildings & Grounds: Ryan reports they are seeking quotes for insulation and bids for waste removal.
Worship: Kelly reports they have new [red] decorations ready for Karin Well’s ordination. New Welcome! Cards are working well. They are considering moving announcements to the start of services instead of at the end. They are considering new personal essentials table coverings and selling produce bags. Also discussing use of plarn [plastic yarn].
Old Business
Care Ministry Discernment. Membership committee is working on changes. Donna Mullaly is spearheading the ‘cards’ section; Tiffany Roltgen the food train and Brian James Richardson will update the web site on health issues.
Personnel Committee updates. Recommended employee ‘reviews’ be considered co-ministry planning sessions; be held annually in October/November in 2018 and in September thereafter, discuss job descriptions during co-ministry planning instead of revising beforehand and that both the Personnel Committee and the Office Manager maintain copies of revised job descriptions. Council voted to approve these recommendations.
Council also approved with modifications who should be included in each co-ministry planning session: Kris: Faith Development Committee member and Council Moderator; Rebecca: Kris and Faith Development Committee member; Jonathan: Kris and Worship Committee member; Jeff: Jonathan, Kris and Worship Committee member; Barb: Kris and Membership Committee member; Brenda: Rebecca, Frances, Nursery Committee member; Frances: Rebecca and Nursery Committee member.
Discussed discrepancies between personnel policies and current practices and policies needing clarification and correction. Council directed Personnel Committee to revise policies as required and return with recommended changes.
New Business
Pastoral Relations Committee: Jan moved and Janine seconded membership of the new committee: Sonja Short, Chair, Nancy Baumgartner, Kelly Jetzer and Amy Boutelle. Motion passed. The first meeting of the group will include Joanne Thompson from UCC.
Stewardship Committee: Will be holding small [15-20 participants each] cottage meetings. Looking for moderators and hosts
for each of the groups from October 14th thru November 11th. Will use videos on giving and pledge cards will go out at the end of September. Three Sundays [10-14, 11-4 and 11-11] cottage meetings will include child care. All Committees will have duty descriptions prepared and Jon Boldebuck will prepare an undated stewardship video. Celebration Sunday [pledges submitted] will be November 18th.
Nursery Committee: Can we hire under 18-year olds for the nursery? Discussed whether those 15 who have completed babysitting classes would be acceptable. Tabled this discussion to return to the Nursery Committee for recommendations.
Discussed and approved discontinuation of early service nursery due to non-use and staffing difficulties. Late service and summer service nursery will continue as always.
Motion to adjourn passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin