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Council Minutes for September 2019

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Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting

September 10, 2019

Present: Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Kelly Jetzer, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch and Sue Webb

Absent:  Anna Bast, Dean Baumgardner, Jacy Boldebuck, and Pastor Kris Gorton

Guest:  Tony Young

Sarah opened with a beautiful prayer.

John moved and Kelly seconded a motion to modify and approve the August 13, 2019 minutes. Approved.

New Business:

Kelly reports the Pastoral Relations Committee recommends re-establishing a parish nurse-type position. Discussed if this is affordable, if new initiative funds could be used for the first three years of a position, if it should be a social worker/nurse/other position. Kelly moved and John seconded a motion to create a subcommittee including a member from Trustees, Pastoral Relations, Membership, and Personnel as well as Pastor Kris to write a proposal and job description for the new position. John moved and Sue seconded a motion that Kelly chair the subcommittee. Both motions approved.

Discussed end of year service scheduling for 2019:  The Longest Night service will continue to be held at MUCC [rather than join with another congregation] but will be moved to Friday night this year. Both the 8:15 a.m. and the 10:00 a.m. service will be held the Sunday after Christmas.

Music Makers held a welcome picnic at MUCC early in September. Rebecca reports they left a mess, damaged some indoor plants and personal items disappeared. The new contract has just been signed but was not available during the Council meeting. Council will procure a signed copy and seek to enforce any contractual protections available to MUCC. If there is no maximum number of kids [and minimum number of chaperones] listed in the 2019 contract this should be included in any future contract. This will be discussed again at the October 2019 Council meeting.

Old Business:

An outside facilitator for a Council retreat has not yet been identified. Sarah will contact Pastor Kris to explore the possibility of Boris Frank providing a short ‘how-to’ kickoff. Payment for Boris TBD.

Faith Development Director’s Report:

Sunday School started with a potluck and movie get-together. There are plenty of teachers and subs this year and 27 youth attended the first week. Rebecca provided teacher training to one new volunteer.

The second six-week session of Cakes for Queen of Heaven has started.

Committee Reports:

Buildings and Grounds:  The carpet cleaning has been completed.

Membership:  No report.

Outreach:  No report.

Special Events:  Kelly reports the Book of Mormon outing is September 22nd.

The annual grill out is scheduled for October 6th.

A big thank you to Rebecca and Barb St. John for all their hard work in preparing for and coordinating the Silent auction being held Sunday November 17th

Stewardship:  Sue reports the letters to members will go out after the October 6th kick-off. There will be four Sundays of testimony [in the newsletter and during service]. Stewardship team will coordinate with Membership team to see if ‘time and talent’ surveys are helpful or necessary.

Worship:  All of the remaining produce bags were given out at the Madison Pride Fest.

Plans for the eleven week Unraveled sermon series are underway.


Next Meeting:  October 8, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin aHalpH
