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Council minutes for Aug. 9, 2016

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Draft minutes 

Present: Josh Gormley, Jan Klawitter, Sarah Fritz, Jacy Boldebuck, Janine Bessemer, Rebecca Malke, Jacy Boldebuck, Damon Smith, Ryan Estrella, Orion Jetzer, Pastor Phil Haslanger

Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a meditation.

The minutes of the June 2016 were approved after motion from Orion and second by Ryan.

Financial Report: Pastor Phil gave an abbreviated financial report in the absence of John Van Overbeke.  Overall report is very good.  Though pledges are below budget year to date by $3,000, non-pledges are over budget by $8,500 and the garage sale brought in $1,200 over budget.  Expenses are below budget $5,400.  Overall, we are $11,500 favorable YTD.

 Pastor’s Report:

  • Jamie Schwoerer is now the office manager and is doing a very good job already.
  • Recently there has been one death, Lucille Meier, and four baptisms. Jennifer and Ray Edens and children have moved to Alaska.
  • Average summer attendance is 93 in 2016, 94 in 2015 and 78 in 2014. Improved summer programming since Rebecca has been here seems to be improving attendance.
  • Lifelink is closing its Wisconsin offices, so they will no longer need our space. They have been paying $1,200-1,300 per year.
  • Bryan Sirchio will be at service on Sept 11 for starting of school year. Confirmation will be on Oct 9. Phil will be gone Aug 19 -25 and Labor Day weekend, Sept 1-5.
  • UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence may request using some space for a men’s group aimed at preventing domestic violence; more information to come.

Director of Faith Development report:

  • Rebecca reported that many new updates are being done to classrooms, with direction from an ad hoc committee. Children were asked to choose color for walls, and their choice was blue. Some Christian rugs and posters have been purchased.
  • Only two more teachers are needed for Sunday School starting in Sept. Packets for families who will be in Sunday School are ready.
  • Rebecca has been working on some interfaith field trips possibilities, initially pursuing Islamic, Hindu and Sikh groups; however the interest from those contacted may not be significant at this time. She may try to set up something with a Buddhist group again.
  • Vacation Bible School is going very well, with 35 kids attending.

Committee Reports:

Trustees:  Jacy shared notes from Trustees meeting. They recommended Memorial Funds (not to exceed $3,000) be used  to update the large Sunday School classroom.  Dean Baumgardner has agreed to serve as the Trustee representative on the Pastoral Search Committee. Trustees are looking at tweaking pastor’s compensation package, but total package was in line.

Faith Development: No report beyond Rebecca’s (above).

Special Events: Janine reports that the Annual Grill Out is scheduled for Oct 2. Al Krug is planning this event with the committee, as usual.  Silent Auction is not yet planned. Potential date is Nov 14 (coordinating with Stewardship Sunday), but coordinators are not yet determined.

Outreach: Jan Klawitter reported that money from Giving Locally and clothing collected from MUCC was distributed to Operation Giving Hope, which is an organization of police and other other agencies helping homeless individuals and families. Giving Locally funds were also distributed to Books for Prisoners and Interfaith Coalition of Worker Justice. September loose plate offering will go to the Crossing, with Manny Santiago preaching on Sept 18.

Worship: Phil reported that the new bells system has some glitches, which are being worked out.

Membership:  No report.

Building and Grounds: Damon reported that there is a broken power line under parking lot, which they have been searching for.  They will be diverting wiring to get lighting to the MUCC street sign. They are awaiting estimates.

Old Business: Pastoral Search Committee is in place and very enthusiastic as they begin the process.  The committee includes:

Dean Baumgardner (Trustee rep)
Sonjia Short
Brian James-Richardson
Amy Boutelle
Lisa Schoenwetter
John Rosch
Mary Holshopple

A big thank you goes out to Jean Lepro for her many years of service.

New Business:
Centennial Committee: The Council named the following people to serve on Memorial’s Centennial Committee – Nancy and John Hilliard, Ruth Schoenwetter, Gary Johnson, Cindy Rosch, Bonnie Van Overbeke and Pastor Phil.

Jan made motion to adjourn.

Minutes submitted by Janine Bessemer
