Home / Council Minutes / Council minutes for Dec. 8, 2015

Council minutes for Dec. 8, 2015

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Approved minutes

Present:  Josh Gormley, president, Phil Haslanger, pastor, John Van Overbeke, financial secretary, Rebecca Malke, faith formation director, Gary Johnson, trustee chair;, Jacy Boldebuck, Jan Klawitter, Sarah Fritz, Jeanne Prueher, Janine Bessemer, Damon Smith, Betsy Robbins.

Pastor Phil opened the meeting with prayer.


Josh Gormley asked for any questions or corrections of the minutes from the November Council meeting.  Betsy Robbins indicated the Chariot scheduling is under the Membership Committee, not the Worship Committee.  Josh asked for a motion to approve the minutes.  Jan Klawitter made the motion with a second by Damon Smith.  Motion passed.


John Van Overbeke reported the Silent Auction took in over $5,000. There is $1,953 in the Endowment Fund available for spending yet this year.  The Pastor’s Fund has a balance of $1,500.  Memorial UCC committed to the Campital Campaign a pledge of $15,000 over three years.  So far in 2015, $4,750 has been donated.  Josh asked for a motion to receive the Financial Report.  Jacy made the motion and a second by Jan Klawitter.  Motion passed.


Gary Johnson indicated there is a preliminary budget for 2016 and he thanked John Van Overbeke for his part in reorganizing the budget categories.  Gary reported there is nothing astounding on projections.  The 2016 budget includes a 2% salary increase for all staff.  The budget takes into account the loss of garage sale income.  Gary indicated nothing has been budgeted for the 100th Anniversary celebration, but Pastor Phil feels there will be no cost incurred during 2016 since the 100th Anniversary does not occur until 2017.  The final budget will be voted on in January by the members of Memorial UCC at the annual meeting.


No report.


Pastor Phil received a good response to the letter sent by Memorial United Church of Christ to the Madison Muslim community.  The UCC Division on Church and Ministry will meet at Memorial on December 10.  The use of Memorial’s Youth Room by Zion City on Thursday night’s has started.   The Confirmation students’ trip to Washington, DC is set for June 11-15, 2016.  The students will be staying at The Pilgrimage and Pastor Phil received a notice from the Pastor of a UCC congregation in DC that they are planning on the students attending their church service on Sunday, June 12, 2016.  Money needs to be raised for the students.


In November, Rebecca Malke and Orion Jetzer did a presentation at the Knock Knock Middle School retreat. Ian Jetzer from Memorial was one of the attendees.  Rebecca had a SPIFFY meeting on Tuesday, November 08, 2015 to plan a race event for Saturday, February 20, 2016. The Nifty Gifty event went well on Sunday, Dec. 6.  There were many volunteers and the students did four crafts.  The nursery has a staff of three and one is leaving the end of this year.  Diane Johnson has posted the job on Craig’s List.  Rebecca indicated Ed Turner is a good last-minute volunteer, if needed.


Committees are on track with updating their mission statements.

Faith Development:  Sarah Fritz had no report.

Special Events:  Janine Bessemer announced the Chili Cook-Off will be Sunday, January 17, 2016.

Membership:  Jeanne Prueher announced they are meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 9 to put the college students care packages together.  They will also discuss the final details for the new member brunch on Sunday, January 10, 2015 and the Council members will be asked to bring goodies to serve after the 10:00 AM church service.

Outreach:  Jan Klawitter reported the committee met on Sunday, Dec. 6, 2015.  They reviewed the pilot program of the loose-plate offering.  John Van Overbeke indicated it is a good thing for various organizations. However, the loose plate offering took about $1,000 away from the Operating Budget.  The Outreach Committee recommended continuing the loose plate offering, but four times (quarterly) next year, rather than one time per month. Josh Gormley asked for a motion to change to quarterly for the loose plate offering.  Janine Bessemer made the motion and Sarah Fritz seconded it.  Motion passed.

The Jail Ministry Chaplain is requesting warm clothing donations for inmates who were incarcerated during the summer months, then released during the winter months and no warm clothing.  Gently used or new coats would be appreciated, plus hats, scarves, gloves or mittens.  Other item donations could be underwear, t-shirts, tube socks, writing or sketch pads and calendars.  These items will be collected in January, plus Jan Klawitter is offering to buy items with money donations.

Worship:  Betsy Robbins had no report other than the committee is doing their job during the Christmas season.

Building and Grounds:  Damon Smith reported his committee met Tuesday, Nov. 24. They discussed snow removal and worked on their budget for 2016.  The sealing and striping of the driveway has been moved to the major maintenance fund, which is helping the Building and Grounds budget for 2016.


Josh Gormley reminded the Council that four of the members’ terms are up.  Jacy Boldebuck and Sarah Fritz indicated they would run for another term.  Jeanne Prueher and Betsy Robbins both declined another term, which leaves two slots to fill.  There will be a nominating committee formed of two Council members and other church members making a total of five.  Josh indicated he will not be President of the Council in 2016 due to his busy schedule.  He has served five years on the Council. (The nominating committee consists of Jacy Boldebuck, Kelly Jetzer, Jeff Falkner and Pastor Phil.)


A discussion was held regarding the annual congregational meeting to approve the 2016 budget.  The date of Sunday, Jan. 24, 2016 was selected.  Josh Gormley asked for a motion to approve this date.  Jan Klawitter made the motion and Jacy Boldebuck seconded it.  Motion passed.

A discussion was held regarding a $25,000 housing allowance for Pastor Phil.  Josh Gormley asked for a motion to approve.  Janine Bessemer made the motion and Jan Klawitter seconded it.  Motion passed.

The next Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 5, 2016, which is one week earlier to complete the 2016 budget.

Josh Gormley asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jacy Boldebuck made the motion to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted by Jan Dunaway
