Present: Josh Gormley (President of Council), Phil Haslanger (Pastor), Rebecca Malke (Director of Faith Development), Damon Smith, Janine Bessemer, Jeanne Prueher, Sarah Fritz, Jan Klawitter, Betsy Robbins.
Absent: Jacy Boldebuck and John Van Overbeke (Financial Secretary)
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with meditation and a prayer.
MINUTES: Josh Gormley asked for approval of the May 12, 2015 Council meeting minutes. Janine Bessemer made the motion for approval and seconded by Jan Klawitter. Motion passed.
FINANCIAL REPORT: The financial report indicated the income exceeded budget expenditures. The reason is MUCC is above on pledges, is a remarkable position for mid-year.
PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Phil and Jan Klawitter will be attending the Wisconsin Conference UCC annual meeting from June 11-14, 2015.
FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Rebecca Malke thanked regular Sunday School teachers She has many volunteers in line for summer Sunday School. Bible School will be held July 27 – July 31, 2015. A confirmation fundraiser selling coffee mugs for $2 will be held by Rebecca and Celia Kiela. Rebecca and Ellen Reuter will lead an Animate: Faith class starting in July. Rebecca also announced 2015/2016 brochures and schedule calendars are ready to go.
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Jonathan Schroerlucke was introduced as the new Music Director for MUCC, serving 10 hours per week. The Selection Committee consisted of Phil Haslanger, Jeanne Prueher, Betsy Robbins, Jeff Darwin, Amy Boutelle and Lynn Hilgers. Janine Bessemer offered a thank you to the hiring committee. Josh Gormley asked for questions or concerns. Josh entertained the motion to approve Jonathan as the new MUCC Music Director. Sarah Fritz made the motion to accept Jonathan with a second from Jan Klawitter. Motion passed.
Outreach: The June 21 loose plate offering will benefit the Allied Drive Wellness Center. Josh raised the question if loose plate offering is working and questioned whether it takes away from Giving Locally. Jan said it seems to be off to a good start.
Faith Development: Sarah Fritz had no report.
Trustees: Pastor Phil reported for Jacy Boldebuck. The Trustees approved $2,000 towards donuts for Fellowship. They also approved $600 for a new coffee machine.
Adult Programming: Janine Bessemer announced the date for the Grill Out is September 27, 2015 and Al Krug will be the head leader. Also looking towards Silent Auction in the Fall and working on a date.
Membership: Jeanne Prueher announced Bonnie Van Overbeke will hold a new membership party on Sunday, August 23, 2015 from 6:30 – 8:00 PM at their Club House. The Council members will help provide refreshments. There is a revised mission statement for membership.
Worship: Betsy Robbins had no report.
Building and Grounds: Damon Smith had no report.
The congregation approved a 3-year plan for giving $15,000 to the Capital Campaign for the UCC camps. $2,500 each year will be paid from the Endowment Fund and $2,500 each year from the congregation. Pastor Phil announced the generosity of the congregation as $1,500 had already been donated. A committee will be formed of one Council member and three or four from the congregation. On August 9, Rev. Bob Wang will preach and sing with a focus on the camps. Donations can be made that Sunday for the Capital Campaign. Josh Gormley asked for a Council volunteer to talk to group. Stewardship will anchor this commitment.
Bike ride for Boys and Girls Club will be held on July 18. Memorial UCC and Zion City International Church are joining together to form a team. Josh Gormley is creating a team logo for the jersey. Each person participating will be committing to raise $250. Many volunteers are needed, if you choose not to ride.
Josh Gormley announced a new website for MUCC is underway. He asked for volunteers to finish the project by July 1 and Damon Smith offered. The high priority will be completed first, then add pages. Also move images and texts.