Draft Minutes
Present: Jacy Boldebuck, Damon Smith, Janine Bessemer, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Josh Gormley, Jan Klawitter, Orion Jetzer. John Van Overbeke, Pastor Phil Haslanger, Rebecca Malke, John Rosch, Barb St. John.
Absent: Ryan Estrella
Opening meditation offered by Pastor Phil.
October Council minutes were approved after Jan Klawitter made the motion and Orion seconded.
Barb St. John, our new office manager was introduced to Council. She started working today.
Financial report – John Van Overbeke reported that not much has changed since last month. We are ahead of budget for income, with significantly more non-pledge giving year-to-date than expected. Expenses are also favorable.
Trustees report – John Van Overbeke: Pledges are coming in for yearly giving. Trustees approved Endowment funds for MARC ($500), and Family Circle ($200). Family Circle is a group of about 600 families who have lost loved ones in the conflict between Israel and Palestine and are working to spread the message of peace.
Pastor Phil’s report:
- UNIDOS Against Domestic Violence will pay $300 for using our space, which is very much appreciated.
- Baby Eowyn Schroerlucke will be baby Jesus for Christmas Eve service, and her parents will sing.
- Phil will be gone the week of Thanksgiving. Peter Makari will be preaching Nov 20 and Lisa Schoenwetter will preach the Sunday after Thanksgiving.
- Updated church directories were passed out to council members.
Faith Development Director’s Report:
- Rebecca recently attended a workshop hosted by GLAUCE- Great Lakes Association of Christian Educators.
- Two men from the Sikh Society of Madison gave a presentation at MUCC. There were 23 people who attended. Because of interest, Rebecca will set up a date to experience an evening of prayer at the Sikh Temple in Middleton.
- Jonathon Schroerlucke had a discussion about music and worship with our middle school and high school students, which was appreciated.
- Sunday school attendance is averaging 25 per Sunday.
- Children trick-or-treated for UNICEF on Oct 30. Donations are still coming in.
- Advent: There will be a “Prayer and Coloring” group for upper elementary children up to adults. The colored pages will create a Nativity scene when done, which will be part of our Christmas decorations.
Search Committee Report – John Rosch
The Search Committee is working on the church profile prior to posting the opening. The profile includes 3 main components:
1) Financial support: This is the financial package that will be offered. The draft was given to Trustees who are working with the committee to solidify the numbers.
2) Description of the congregation: The committee is drafting this profile and will send it to Council for approval. Then it will be shared with the congregation for feedback. Congregants can share their thoughts with the committee primarily via a link on the church website, but there will also be paper copies available as well.
3) Description of what we are looking for in a pastor: Again, after initial draft is completed by the committee, it will be given to Council for approval, and then shared with congregation for feedback prior to posting the position.
Committee Reports:
Faith Development – Sarah reported that the “Stew and Brew” night was well attended. This night included music and ghost stories around the campfire, pumpkin carving and lots of fun.
Special Events – Janine reported that the Silent Auction bidding and raffle ticket sales has begun. This year in place of a live auction, we are trying a “Music Fondue” which will include different musicians from the congregation playing requests for a fee, like a jukebox, which should be fun and interactive.
Membership – Ryan reported via email that collection for college care baskets will begin prior to Thanksgiving, and sent in early December.
Outreach will be meeting this Sunday, so no new report.
Worship – Phil reported that Advent and Christmas preparations are in progress.
Building & Grounds will meet next week to work on the budget.
Old Business:
Social Media Policies: A final draft was shared with Council. Jan made a motion to approve and Josh seconded; motion passed.
Immigration support: The Southwest Association is considering whether to become a welcoming conference for immigrants and refugees. Jewish Social Services and Lutheran Services are teaming up to support refugees from Syria, Iraq and other countries in our area. Plymouth UCC (Leslie Shank) is organizing to help faith communities respond to the needs of Syrian refugees. Council discussed what potential role MUCC might want to play in this cause. Outreach will discuss at their upcoming meeting. We will let our congregation know about ways they might be able to help including Open Doors for Refugees. Another idea included being a place where education to the community could be offered. Council discussion on this topic will continue after Outreach meets.
New Business:
Staff and membership status: Discussion took place regarding church staff members who wish to become members after they are hired. There was general agreement that, while we should adhere to hiring non-members, if those staff members are moved to join the congregation, this should be allowed.
Move to adjourn by Josh.
Next meeting Tuesday Dec 13 at 7 p.m.
Minutes by Janine Bessemer