Approved minutes
Present: Pastor Phil Haslanger, Rebecca Malke, Josh Gormley, Jacy Boldebuck, Jan Klawitter, Damon Smith, Ryan Estrella, Janine Bessemer, Sarah Fritz, and Gary Johnson (for financial report); Absent: Orion Jetzer
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with the prayer, “Rebrand Us.”
The Minutes for the January, 2016, minutes were moved for approval by Jacy, which was seconded by Sarah and passed.
The Financial Report was presented by Gary, who summarized that January ended with income over budget by $1,500 but expenses also over budget by a bit – $168. But in the first month of the year, this does indicate much. Jan moved to approve the financial report, which was seconded by Janine and passed.
The Pastor’s Report was presented by Pastor Phil:
- Membership numbers are growing, with six new members having joined the church in January, and four new members joining this month.
- A WI UCC event, “Break the Silence Sunday,” will take place April 24th and will bring awareness to the topic of sexual assault. There will also be a loose plate collection for the Rape Crisis Center.
- Belle Hollenback, who has recently published a book with her father, Chris, will be returning to MUCC April 17th to read from this book.
The Faith Development Report was presented by Rebecca:
- There will be a showing of “Spotlight,” the documentary about sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, at MUCC from 6:30-8:30 Friday, February 26th, with time for discussion afterwards. Our own safe sanctuary status and policies can be discussed at this time.
- Rebecca has completed the training for being an OWL instructor (of human sexuality) for kindergarten through 12th grade students, and she hopes to start up a class for 7th-9th graders, soon.
- Rebecca leaves tomorrow for a spirituality retreat.
- There will be a race summit February 20th at First Unitarian, and in April MUCC is hosting a speaking event on the topic of aging LGBT adults.
The new Council Officers were elected. The motion was from Jan, seconded by Janine and passed:
- President: Jacy Boldebuck
- Vice President: Damon Smith
- Recording Secretaries: Janine Bessemer and Sarah Fritz
- Financial Secretary: John Van Overbeke
- Treasurer: Jay Schad
The new Council Liaison positions for the following committees were decided:
- Trustees: Josh Gormley
- Membership: Ryan Estrella
- Worship: Orion Jetzer
The current slate of Trustees, including Gary Johnson (chair), John Van Overbeke (financial secretary), Jan Schad (treasurer), Denise Brandl (accountant), Dean Baumgardner and Jon Boldebuck, was moved for approval by Jan, seconded by Jacy and passed.
The Committee Reports were given:
Special Events: Janine spoke of the successful Chili Cook-off last month. This committee is looking ahead to the garage sale and the Easter breakfast.
Membership: Pastor Phil spoke of the success of the new member brunch, held at MUCC after the 10:00 service January 10th. This committee is encouraging people to be attentive to the prayer requests in the weekly church email.
Outreach: Jan reported that Ann Moffat will be taking on the responsibility of delivering items to the Allied Drive Food Pantry. Jan will be submitting a request in an upcoming newsletter for a MUCC liaison for the Badger Prairie Needs Network. Chris Rode has proposed that we at MUCC collect items for “Dignity Bags,” to be distributed to kids at risk for sexual trafficking in the area. MOSES has changed their membership criteria from two voting representatives per congregation to one voting rep and one alternate.
Worship: Pastor Phil reported that there may be hops growing up the cross in the sanctuary during Lent.
Building and Grounds: Damon reported that the next committee meeting will be February 21st or March 6th, and that May 14th will be the date of the Spring Clean-Up.
Old Business: Pastor Phil updated that Redeemer City is still considering the use of MUCC as a site of worship during the summer, with a service time of 11:30, as the space they have been using (Chavez Elementary) will likely not be available to them over the summer. Before finalizing approval for this arrangement Phil would like another member of MUCC to join him in meeting with and presenting a contractual agreement for logistics and payment to a representative of Redeemer City.
Pastor Phil also updated that plans are underway for this year’s confirmation trip to Washington D.C., with a cost projection of $6K to cover the airfare for the 4 confirmands and 3 adults, their stay at The Pilgrimage, and various planned activities. Fundraising ideas include sales of books, DVDs and T-shirts, as well “shares of stock” in the trip.
New Business: Joanne Thomson, our association minister, will be joining the next council meeting (March 8th) to discuss the transition of Phil’s upcoming retirement. The Shift initiative of the WI Conference UCC can be discussed in Stewardship-hosted cottage meetings, as well as by the search committee, as we ask what we would like to see MUCC moving toward in the future. Jacy has volunteered to be one of the two delegates to the upcoming annual meetings of the WI Association (April 16th) and the WI Conference (June 10th-12th).
Next council meeting: Tuesday March 8th
Josh moved to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Sarah Fritz