Draft minutes
Present: Josh Gormley, Sarah Fritz, Jan Klawitter, Janine Bessemer, Rebecca Malke, Jacy Boldebuck, Orion Jetzer, Ryan Estrella. Pastor Phil Haslanger and Gary Johnson were present for first part of meeting. Rev. Joanne Thompson attended second part of meeting.
Absent: Damon Smith
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.
The minutes of the February 2016 were approved with the following changes: 1) Add that Jan Klawitter was present; 2) Under Pastor’s report “There will also be a loose plate collection Rape Crisis Center”. Janine moved to accept minutes, Jan seconded.
Financial Report: Gary Johnson reported that we are under budget for expenses and over budget for income in February, resulting in significantly favorable budget at this time. Gary passed around committee financial reports to the liaisons for the committees. Report was accepted after Jan moved and Orion seconded.
Pastor’s Report:
- We are contracting with Tingles Design to make a logo for MUCC, which will be used in many aspects of our centennial celebration. $540 for this project will primarily come from Ahrnsbrak New Initiative Fund.
- Attendance was reported to be up for the first 10 Sundays of 2016 (ave 135/Sunday) compared with same time in 2015 (ave 114/Sunday).
- Reedemer City no longer needs our space for service this summer, but may request occasional use of our space in the future, if needed.
- Zion City generously donated $75 for their use of our Youth Room.
- Holy Week plans are in the works. Easter Sunday will be very special and will include a string quartet.
Director of Faith Development report: (Rebecca Malke)
- Rebecca requested approval of offering new nursery attendant position to Lily Micho. She has good experience and references. Council approved after motion by Sara, and second by Josh.
- SPIFFY group hosted Teen Summit on Race. 53 youth attended including one from Memorial UCC. The summit went well. This has brought up more conversations that are at times difficult, but important.
- Pi Day will be held this Sunday (on the eve of Pi Day, 3/14). Pizza pie and other pies will be served, and the movie, “Life of Pi” will be shown.
- MUCC will host “Navigating Healthcare for LGBT older adults” on Monday, April 25. Barb Gallogly-Turner’s nursing students from Edgewood will be presenting.
Committee Reports: Jacy requested next meeting dates for each committee so that she can attend. It was asked that Committee reports during this meeting only include important information in order to allow time for Joanne Thomson during this council meeting. Only the following report given:
Trustees: Gary requested that council approve the following distribution of funds:
1) $1,000 from Ahrnsbrak New Initiative Fund for confirmation group going to Washington, DC. Moved to approve by Josh, and seconded by Ryan. Motion passed.
2) Restriping and caulking of parking lot, totaling $5,594 to be paid out of Major Maintenance Fund. This fund currently has $25,000. Sarah moved to approve, Jan seconded. Motion passed.
Old Business: Jacy Boldebuck and Karin Wells will be delegates to SW Association Meeting April 16, and Wisconsin Conference Annual Meeting on June 10-12. Jan made motion and Sarah seconded approving these delegates. Bonnie Van Overbeke and Phil Haslanger will also be attending.
Council retreat set for April 3 after 10:00 service.
New Business: Rev. Joanne Thomson joined council to discuss the recommended search process for a new pastor. Phil left for this portion of the meeting. Joanne helped to educate council about best processes to help in calling a new pastor. She reinforced the importance of communicating with and involving the congregation during this process and gave recommendations how this can be accomplished.
Jan moved to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Janine Bessemer