Draft Minutes
PresentL Josh Gormley, Sarah Fritz, Janine Bessemer, Rebecca Malke, Jacy Boldebuck, Damon Smith, Orion Jetzer,. Pastor Phil Haslanger. John VanOverbeke was present for first portion of meeting.
Absent: Jan Klawitter, Ryan Estrella
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a meditation.
The minutes of the April 2016 were approved with motion from Janine and second by Josh.
Financial Report: John V reported that operational budget continues to be very favorable with $8,000 of giving/income over budget year-to-date. Garage sale brought in $2,700, compared with $1,500 budgeted. There is $6,077 available in the Endowment Fund that is not yet committed. In Ahrnsbrak New Initiatives Fund, $500 was spent on church logo design for centennial, and $1,000 is committed to confirmation trip. Josh moved to accept Financial Report and Sarah seconded. Approved.
Pastor’s Report:
- Campital Campaign giving will be encouraged this month with a goal of $2,500 for this year.
- “Art from Ghana” Open House will be held at MUCC May 20, 5:00-7:00. Art is on loan from Zion City Church and is for sale. More displays are being planned for the space in Fellowship, both from our congregation as well as the community.
- Bryan Sirchio will be leading a discussion “The 6 Marks of Progressive Christian Worship Music” on May 19 at 6:30.
- Crossing Spring Gala had 8-9 people attend from MUCC. There will be a loose plate offering for The Crossing in September.
- Pastor Phil helped lead a Digital Ministry Workshop with 56 people attending.
- Clergy Retirement Workshop was hosted at MUCC today.
- Pastor Phil will attend a suicide prevention and response workshop for clergy on May 11.
- Karen Wells will graduate from seminary this week.
- Phil will be gone May 23-26. Winton Boyd will be on call for pastoral emergencies.
Director of Faith Development report: (Rebecca Malke)
- LGBT Senior event had 14-15 people attending.
- On Memorial Weekend there will be a Bible Trivia contest.
- Last day of Sunday School will be June 5 which will include a party and teacher appreciation.
- Eight third graders will receive Bibles. This year they were given choice of Bible.
- June 12 will be the beginning of Summer School for K through 5th Rebecca and Faith Development committee is considering events for older children, including Badger Prairie Needs Network, as well as with Karen Wheelock, playing games or other interactions with persons who have dementia. They are also looking into some adult summer classes.
- Because we have so many children (52), current classroom space is now inadequate. Solutions are being considered.
Committee Reports:
Trustees: (John V)
- $500 was approved from Endowment Fund to go to Chavez Elementary.
- They are contemplating the concept of kids giving to the church. Only $5 has been offered by children so far this year. The concern is that if children don’t learn to give, they may be less likely to give as adults.
- Campership is way up this year with a total of $2,700 in requests. The Campership Fund is $700 short as of now for this year. Council approved using up to $1500 New Initiatives Fund to cover requests this year, after Josh moved and Damon seconded. Next year there will be less than $800 in Campership Fund for next year, so further discussion will be needed prior to that time.
Faith Development: No report beyond Rebecca’s (above).
Special Events: Janine had no report from committee as Al is out of the country. As coordinator of recent Garage Sale, Jacy reported that this event was very successful and fun. She and others have plans to make it better next year. There will be a potluck for the Garage Sale crew in June.
Outreach: No report due to Jan’s absence.
Worship: No report. Preparations in place for Pentecost this Sunday.
Membership: Minutes sent by Ryan. Lenten prayer request idea went off well. Fellowship seems to be working well with sign-up running about 2 Sundays ahead. Considering ideas for a picture board for those members who can not attend service anymore. Over 80’s brunch will be May 15th. There are no current members in nursing homes. Fair trade gifts will be given to high school and college grads. New logo is a hit.
Building and Grounds: (Damon)
- Clean-up is set for this Saturday, to include planting an apple tree, straightening basketball pole, edging and general spring clean-up.
- Annual HVAC maintenance plan- currently obtaining quotes.
- Concrete at main entrance sank. John Boldebuck is looking into mud jacking.
- CE rooms/space- Improvements discussed. Plan to form a subcommittee, which will include 3 people from Faith Development committee in addition to Trustees.
- Sound improvements underway.
- Few pieces of siding need replacement.
- Options for lighting of sign in front are being discussed.
- Water heater tripping has been problem. David Ast is finding a plumber.
Old Business:
Hiring of office manager: Many applications were received. After three very good candidates were interviewed, the committee is recommending Jamie Schwoerer, pending results of final reference and background check. Jamie has a triple degree in communication arts, philosophy and religious studies. She comes with excellent experience. She most recently worked at TASC and Patheos, and she now has her own dog training business, Kodiak’s Canine Connection. Sarah moved to approve offering the position to Jamie, pending results; Orion seconded. Motion passed. If Jamie accepts, tentative start date will be June 21 or slightly earlier. This will allow Jamie a few weeks working with Jean before her retirement to allow for smooth transition.
Update on Confirmation Trip to DC June 11-15: Participants will include: Amelia Hust and her mother Diana, Kevin Boutelle, Luke Hammer, Rebecca Malke, and Phil Haslanger. Fundraising activities, in addition to $1,000 from New Initiatives Fund, and $100 per child/parent, have raised enough to break even for flights and housing at this time. They still hope to make more money to allow for meals and activities while in DC. They will be staying at the Pilgrimage (Presbyterian church). Phil reviewed the itinerary which includes: work at a shelter and serving breakfast at Charlie’s; experiencing social justice exhibit, Native American Museum, National Cathedral, National Coalition for Homelessness; and doing outdoor work with Washington Parks and People, all during Gay Pride week in DC.
Update on Pastor search committee: Coffee with Council has started and will continue to be held first Sunday of each month to allow congregants to ask questions and provide input. Josh represented Council on May 1. He stated that a few people came with questions regarding the process. Jacy reported that good nominations are coming in for search committee. She will be at Coffee with Council June 5.
New Business:
LGBT visibility: It has been brought up that MUCC should be more visible as LGBT friendly. An informal group of interested people have met to discuss possible ideas including: making our website more searchable for someone who is looking for LGBT friendly church; adding a rainbow on front sign; something during Gay Pride month (August); and dialogue with youth and adults.
Josh moved to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Janine Bessemer