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Beloved, Love. All In (Or…Beloved, RUN the Other Way!)

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Beloved, Love: All In, HERE. Reading and rereading Jonah’s responses, I can’t seem to shake a feeling that I am… Tired. Of. All. The Stuff. Just like Jonah, I am tired of the getting up. The going. The proclaiming. The walking. I just want to sit down in the ashes and cry. And then what? GOD CHANGES HER MIND??? It seems to me there are 2 ways we can go with this Bible reading: Either we can go ALL IN, as the people in Nineveh do Or, we can follow Jonah’s example (in all CAPS)… and RUN THE OTHER WAY! People of God, which choice will we make...
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