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Cultivating: Transformation

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Cultivating: Transformation, HERE. Note: At the beginning of worship, Pastor Kris showed us the image of a plant which was brown and brittle. Throughout Holy Week we have been listening to the story of Jesus’s betrayal, arrest, crucifixion, and death. Kris poured water into the bowl in which the dried material rested, representing the tears that were poured out by Jesus’s family, friends, and followers. Waters of grief, lament, and remembrance – all birth waters of something new. Hold this image in your heart as you read the Easter sermon....
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Beloved, Love. All In (Or…Beloved, RUN the Other Way!)

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Beloved, Love: All In, HERE. Reading and rereading Jonah’s responses, I can’t seem to shake a feeling that I am… Tired. Of. All. The Stuff. Just like Jonah, I am tired of the getting up. The going. The proclaiming. The walking. I just want to sit down in the ashes and cry. And then what? GOD CHANGES HER MIND??? It seems to me there are 2 ways we can go with this Bible reading: Either we can go ALL IN, as the people in Nineveh do Or, we can follow Jonah’s example (in all CAPS)… and RUN THE OTHER WAY! People of God, which choice will we make...
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Resurrection: Wait Here…

A little over a week ago, Rebecca approached me with a question. As she was preparing the lessons for the past two Sundays, the Holy Moly curriculum presented two versions of Jesus’ final days with the disciples. In the book of Matthew, the story includes the Great Commission—the charge Jesus gave those who followed him: “Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life… instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:18-20, The Message). In Luke and Acts, as we heard read today, the story goes on to include Jesus' ascension. Rebecca was wonderi...
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Resurrection: In Community

This Easter season, I am been thinking a lot about “resurrection.” I am intrigued by what this concept, “resurrection”, this idea that the Living Christ shows up for us today means. For this is who we are as followers of Jesus, right? We are people that believe in resurrection. This Jesus who is and who was and who is to come,” (Rev. 1:4b, NRSV). But… really? Resurrection? How are we to understand—in 2019—the ways in which death does not have the last word? This is why I loved hanging out with Tabitha, also known as Dorcus, this week. And reflecting on the faith community into which her li...
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