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liminal space

Hope. Compassion. Restoration.

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Hope. Compassion. Restoration. HERE As we approach the one-year mark of worshiping online, lay leaders, staff, and I have been making plans for Ash Wednesday, Lent, and worship opportunities for Holy Week. I want to remind you that, in our current, dangerous, deep freeze, there is good news! Easter is only 8 weeks away, with all the hoped-for newness which sprouts in the spring (and yes… in Bible study on Wednesday everyone reminded me that in Wisconsin it can also still snow on April 4)! Reflecting on what lies ahead, I have to share with y...
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Those Who Dream… ponder in their hearts

Those Who Dream… ponder in their hearts You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Those Who Dream… ponder in their hearts, HERE. In today’s Bible reading, there is a tugging and pulling, a wondering and an answering, which reveals God to us in a radically new way. Here Jesus (a preteen)… and Mary (a young adult)… and a wider faith community (the elders)… demonstrating for us the ways in which our faith journeys are disarmingly simple in all of life’s complexities.   This cross-generational narrative includes the necessity of repeating faith practices over and over, as “every year” J...
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Growing? Or Weeding?

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection, Growing? Or Weeding? HERE. This week’s Bible reading has all the makings of a good mystery story. There is suspense. We have a villain in the “evil one” whose dastardly deed is to scatter seeds in the middle of the night. Oh no! The horror! There is a crime scene, the newly sprouted kindom of heaven. This is also a tragic story of grief and loss—with the anticipation of great weeping and gnashing of teeth—and thus this is a story which we can relate to all too well during a pandemic. A global health emergency rife with tragic news stories, s...
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Walking Together

You can watch the video of Pastor Kris’ reflection HERE. Safer at Home. By my counting this is Day 33. Thirty-three days of Zoom meetings and worshiping online. As I read the Bible passage this week, the action of walking caught my attention. Because, for me, the past 33 days have been filled with lots and lots of walks. How about you? Have you been going on walks? If so, what have they been like? Do they feel any different? Do you walk with anyone? Have you encountered people in your neighborhood you didn’t know? Or, is your neighborhood silent? This is a time in which where we wal...
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