Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jetzer, Phil Haslanger, Sue Webb, Jan Klawitter and John Van Overbeke
Absent: Ryan Estrella, Rebecca Malke
Pastor Phil opened with a prayer.
Minutes of March 14, 2017: Motion to approve March minutes by Janine, seconded by Sarah, passed.
Financial Report: John reports income is a bit above and expenses are a bit below budget. Jan moved and Sue seconded motion to approve report, passed.
Trustees Report: John reports Trustees approved expenditure of $500 given to an adult child of member for child care.
The goal for completion of the new sound system is mid-May. $300 additional added for podium microphone.
Pastors Report: Common Chord concert to benefit the Centennial Grant Fund was a huge success.
Working on a video for the Centennial celebration. Worship service will be first, then the video, a potluck then followed by the presentation of the Centennial Fund check.
Bill and Kelly Jetzer will be heading up Sundaes on Sundays.
Faith Development Director: Sarah reports on behalf of Rebecca that there will be an Easter egg hunt between services on Easter.
The Committee is working on brochures about prayers, liturgical flags, and the Dr. Who group. ‘Take a Break’ Lent services averaged 6 or more attendees.
Five youth will participate in Middleton’s Social Justice Week (June 11-16).
Rebecca attended a facilitator training in Deforest for Honest, Open, Proud (HOP) aimed at eliminating the stigma of mental health challenges for high school youth and adults.
Special Events: Janine reports the committee is getting ready for Easter. Garage sale planning is going well.
Membership: Rita reports the Centennial potluck list will be out about May 14th. Mary Ircink, Parish Nurse’s last day celebration on April 30 will include a card basket.
Outreach: Jan reports the Committee has spent approximately $3100 of a $4000 budget.
Worship: No report.
Buildings and Grounds: Spring cleanup is scheduled for May 6th, rain date is May 20th.
Old Business: Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) proposal- Ken and Vita Ligary are funding an AED for MUCC. Fitchrona EMS will charge $200 to train as many members as we wish. Personal liability is not an issue as AED users will be covered under the Good Samaritan Act. Jan moved and Rita seconded a motion to approve the AED. Motion passed.
Phil, Janine, and Ryan met on Sanctuary issues. Several churches including Advent Lutheran Community of Hope are looking at housing immigrants; other churches are looking at educational presentations. Funds are being raised jointly by many churches to hire a staff person to lead and coordinate Madison’s efforts.
New Business: Jacy reports the Interim Pastor committee has interviewed and recommends hiring Laura Crow as interim pastor starting June 12th shadowing and doing a joint service with Phil. Trustees approved a 75% position for 6 months with a 3 month extension if necessary. Jan moved and Janine seconded motion to hire Laura Crow, passed.
Phil will take vacation from June 25th (the day after the retirement celebration) through June 30th.
Sue moved and Sarah seconded a motion to approve Rick Orton and Karin Wells as delegates to the SW Association’s Annual Meeting. Motion passed.
Rebecca will attend the Wisconsin Annual Meeting June 9th through 11th.
Kaitlin Young is the new chair of Stewardship Committee. They still need a couple of new members.
Verona School District has renewed an annual contract with MUCC to use Memorial as an evacuation site in an emergency.
Johanna Draper Carlson has approval to use the fellowship hall for Sherlock Holmes Club meetings one Sunday per month at 3:00 pm during June through August.
Adjournment: Jan moved and Janine seconded motion to adjourn. Motion passed.
Submitted by Cathy Halpin