Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jetzer, Phil Haslanger, Rebecca Malke, Sue Webb, and John Van Overbeke.
Absent: Jan Klawitter
Guest: Dean Baumgardner, Finance Committee
Pastor Phil opened with a prayer.
Minutes of February 10, 2017: Motion to approve February minutes by Janine, seconded by Rita, passed.
Financial Report: John reports all funds are on target for the year. The Centennial Fund balance is approximately $4,500. Sue moved, seconded by Rita to accept John’s financial report. Motion passed.
Trustees Report: John reports the trustees are searching for an additional board member. Trustees have approved a $500 donation to DAIS Power of One Campaign.
Pastors Report: Phil is helping set up a DAIS Power of One retreat and is a Board Member of United Against Hate.
An Ecclesiastical Council is being held Saturday April 1 at the McFarland UCC for Kristin Gorton.
Centennial planning continues with plans for a historical video and a potluck.
Council is working on an interim pastor for the time of Phil’s retirement. Discussed the pacing of the announcement and the need to monitor congregation anxieties about continuity.
Faith Development Director:
The recent family pizza and movie event had 35 attendees and Lent Wednesday evenings is averaging approximately 6 attendees.
The upcoming spring musical will include lots of younger children and several of the older group.
Rebecca will be attending a Mental Health Facilitator Training [youth based] at the Deforest UCC on April 1st.
Memorial and Middleton United Church of Christ’s middle and high schoolers are going to provide a half-day of service [for homeless or the hungry population] Monday thru Friday during the first week of school summer vacation.
Committee Reports:
Faith Development: Sarah reports the committee will continue to use the curriculum from last year.
The youth have moved their meeting spot from the library to the music room. Youth are more open to discussions in the new spot.
Special Events: Janine reports Easter planning is ongoing.
Membership: Ryan reports the Over 80s breakfast has been postponed until fall.
The Centennial June potluck sign-up will begin in early May.
Member and friend profiles and pictures will be collected by the end of April and published for all who wish a copy.
The Committee has assigned members to look up inactive members.
Phil will plan Mary Ircink’s [parish nurse] last day events to include a card box.
The Council needs to create a binder with scheduled activities [monthly, annual] the Phil has been handling. MUCC’s newspaper ads will be done through summer.
Outreach: Discussed loose plate collections: 2015 was by-cause on a monthly basis, by quarter in 2016. 2017 already includes the Centennial Fund so additional loose plate collections will be limited.
Worship: Will be decorating for Easter.
Buildings and Grounds: Dean reports that the original sound system contractors are no longer available so Audio Contractors have provided an estimate of approximately $6000 for new and upgraded sound in the nave, narthex, kitchen and nursery. Ryan moved and Orion seconded motion to approve the purchase. Motion passed.
Clean up day is scheduled for May 6; rain date is May 20.
Search Committee: Thus far the committee has received 25 applications; many seem to be quality candidates. Discussed connecting members to others in the congregation beyond Phil to make the transition easier.
Old Business: AEDs—Jacy will explore if Jon Boldebuck, Dr. Stu Turner and Mary Ircink would meet to discuss legal issues and advisability of installing AEDs.
Sanctuary update-Ryan First Congregational Church has created an immigration pledge. Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice is coordinating some issues. MUCC Outreach Committee has provided $100 to Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice to join. Ryan and Janine will contact the organization for information.
New Business: Rita moved and Sue seconded a motion to allow Jessica Salt use of MUCC space for spiritual direction. Motion approved.
Approved Rick Orton to attend the SW Association meeting in Monroe as a delegate. Phil and Rebecca will attend the June Wisconsin Conference. The Council should also choose 2 additional delegates.
The Stewardship Council needs a chair. Workload is heavy from mid-August through October. Discussed donation strategies: one or two letters, cottage meetings. Discussed long-term leadership and financial giving.
Adjournment: Sue moved and Ryan seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion passed.
Submitted by Cathy Halpin