Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sarah Fritz, Rita Elver, Orion Jeter, Phil Haslanger, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, Sue Webb, and John Van Overbeke.
Absent: None
Guest: Mary Ircink, parish nurse
Pastor Phil opened with a prayer.
Minutes of January 10, 2017: Motion to approve January minutes by Jan, seconded by Janine, passed.
Officers and Trustees: Motion to approve new slate of officers and trustees by Jan, seconded by Sue, passed. Jacy Boldebuck will serve as President; Sarah Fritz will serve as Vice President; John Van Overbeke will serve as Financial Secretary; Cathy Halpin will serve as Recording Secretary. Trustees are Dean Baumgardner, Jon Boldebuck, Gary Johnson, Jay Schad and John Van Overbeke.
Ryan will serve as liaison to the Building and Grounds Committee, Rita to Membership and Sue to Trustees. Other liaisons will remain as they were in the past year.
AED Proposal: Mary Ircink reports recently meeting with the Fitchrona EMS. Fitchrona has received a grant to provide monthly check-in service for Automatic External Defibrillator (AEDs) and to teach AED owners to use the equipment as well as to teach hands-only CPR. MUCC is eligible for training but would need to purchase an AED (@ $1500 without a battery); ($300 per battery changeable every 3-5 years); and ($200 for leads, replaced after every use) These costs are estimates. If MUCC pursues this opportunity it should first consider:
- Volunteer physician for oversite and contact
- Committee oversite
- How to followup with Fitchrona if there is AED use
- Monthly maintenance records
- Liability of MUCC or users
Financial Report: John reports an anticipated $7,100 loss for the month of January. The loss was expected as quarterly insurance for Pastor Phil and annual buildings and grounds insurance were paid during January. John also reports that as usual in the opening months of a year, income is down approximately $2,000. John also provided a brief overview of fund balances and described Endowment and Ahrnsbrak sources of income. Jan moved, seconded by Sarah to accept John’s financial report. Motion passed.
Trustees Report: Denise Brandl resigned as Accountant and from the Trustees as of 12-31-16.
Pastors Report: Michael Bryant and his group, Common Chord, will be providing a benefit concert for MUCC. Any contributor to the Centennial Fund that day will receive a free Common Chord newly-released CD. The concert will be scheduled for April 7, 2017.
Habitat for Humanity recently held a retreat at MUCC. They were very respectful guests.
United Against Hate will be meeting at MUCC in the future. Phil is the contact for this group.
2017 potential confirmands include 7 members each from a different area school. There are 4 classes and a summer experience planned so far.
New MUCC directories, updated council lists and staff health insurance policies are ready.
Faith Development Director: Rebecca thanks everyone for their help while she was in India. The Nursery Committee will have 3 new members.
Middleton United Church of Christ’s middle and high schoolers are going to provide a half-day of service daily for a week during the summer. Rebecca would like to develop a similar program or pair with Middleton.
Committee Reports:
Special Events: Janine reports the chili cook-off was a success. Easter breakfast will continue as always and the Evening of Music (EoM) will now be scheduled in the Fall. EoM date change should be announced to the congregation via newsletter soon.
Membership: Ryan reports the new member breakfast will be Sunday February 26. The committee should schedule an early March meeting to check in on ‘missing’ members There will be an
Over 80s breakfast in May.
Outreach: Jan report a loose plate collection of more than $985 from the breakfast sponsored by Interfaith Coalition for Worker Justice.
Worship: Lent and centennial planning is ongoing.
Buildings and Ground: No report.
Search Committee: MUCC profile is complete and posted nationwide. Next step is to await applicants.
Old Business: Wisconsin Conference annual meeting is in June. In order to have immigration policies on the agenda, a set number of congregations must have discussed immigration issues or acted on them in some way. Memorial has done that.
Sanctuary update-Ryan indicates that immigrants need to learn about from attorneys about individual rights. How can MUCC be supportive? Advocacy, education, speak out, housing others? All except housing could be approved in Council. Housing would have to been a congregation-wide discussion. While Feds are legally able to enter the church to detain an immigrant, it is unlikely they would enter due to bad publicity. Yet there could be legal consequences for providing sanctuary.
New Business: Share Fair at the Wisconsin Conference annual meeting is scheduled for June 9, 10 and 11. Jan, Rebecca and Orien will consider a Doctor Who & Theology presentation for that meeting. Pastor Phil’s retirement weekend ‘Save the Date’ cards will go out soon.
Adjournment: Jan moved and Janine seconded a motion to adjourn. Motion passed.
Submitted by Cathy Halpin