Approved minutes
Present: Josh Gormley (President of Council), Phil Haslanger (Pastor), Rebecca Malke (Director of Faith Development), John VanOverbeke (Financial Secretary), Janine Bessemer, Jeanne Prueher, Jacy Boldebuck, Jan Klawitter, Damon Smith, Sarah Fritz, Betsy Robbins.
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.
Josh Gormley asked for approval of the minutes from the Council meeting held on March 10, 2015. Jan Klawitter made the motion for approval and seconded by Jeanne Prueher. Motion passed.
Josh opened the meeting with a discussion of the Campital Campaign as per the video viewed by the congregation on April 12, 2015. Jan Klawitter and Pastor Phil led a discussion following the church service with eleven members present. Many expressed how much youth camps and adult camps meant to them or their children. Some of their thoughts were: Hard to find enough opportunities to be with nature, “God’s nature”; many lasting friendships through socializing; opportunity to become counselors and directors after being campers; safe place to talk about faith and God; opportunity to learn about religion and God without other church experience; beginning of a faith journey; Also a place where the young can meet older people. Pastor Phil announced he had also received an email from Mary Young about her church camp experiences. The Council followed Jan’s report with a discussion that determined more information is needed from the Campital Campaign. Josh will be sending an email with the Council’s questions, specifically their vision for the future and their mission statement. Jan suggested a survey be sent to the congregation stating the breakdown of various financial commitments to the Campital Campaign. Pastor Phil will be sending a survey via email to the congregation.
FINANCIAL REPORT: John VanOverbeke reported that he and Denise have spread out some items in the budget to better reflect when income comes in or expenses go out. The Operating Budget is in good shape. The Endowment Fund has $10,878 to be spent during 2015. Loose change offering went to Great Hour of Sharing for March. The April loose plate offering will be given to East High School for its Kenya Project. Students from East High will be speaking at the church service on April 19. John passed out budgets to each of the committee liasons for 2015. Josh Gormley asked for a motion to accept the financial report. Janine Bessemer made the motion and seconded by Betsy Robbins. Motion passed.
PASTOR’S REPORT: Pastor Phil announced Erv Pauley will be celebrating his 90th birthday. A card was started on Sunday, April 12 with the congregation for birthday wishes to Erv and continued with the Council members. Pastor Phil announced he will be on vacation April 22 – May 2, 2015. During his absence, Jacy Boldebuck will be delivering the sermon on April 26. MUCC and Weight Watcher’s are looking at a contract for use of space in the Fellowship room beginning the first of May. The contract states a fee of $60/week or $3,000/year with a 30 day notice from either party to end the contract.
Pastor Phil expressed gratitude to the Worship Committee for all of its work transforming the Sanctuary during Easter week. Maundy Thursday had an attendance of 40; Good Friday of 60; Easter had a total attendance of 177 for both services. John VanOverbeke suggested asking the congregation to fill all the seats in each row, which hopefully would allow all guests a seat in the Sanctuary vs the Narthex. Garage sale items are being delivered to the church for the annual Garage Sale on Friday, April 24 and Saturday, April 25. Christ Memorial Church is having their garage sale on the same days and the two churches have run a joint ad in the paper. There will be maps directing participants between the churches as well. There was an update on the search for a new music director. By the deadline date, there were six applicants. The committee has narrowed it down to two candidates who will each conduct a choir practice. In May, a final recommendation will be presented to the Council.
FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR’S REPORT: Rebecca Malke reported the Bible Study class conducted by Ellen Reuter and her has ended. Rebecca and Kaitlin Young were in charge of the Easter egg hunt for the children. They decided to stay away from candy and used stickers instead…some complaints were heard from the kids. All is well with the Nursery staff. There will be a Dr. Who event on Friday, April 20 conducted by Johanna Draper Carlson. On April 26 there will be a Gender Identity discussion conducted by Orien Wells. Posters have been placed at West High School and Rebecca indicated there has been a great response, so a large group is expected.
Faith Development: Sarah Fritz indicated the committee is in the process of arranging a meeting regarding curricula options, including Rebecca Malke’s suggestion of outdoor summer Sundays for the children.
Trustees: John VanOverbeke announced there had been no meeting so far in April.
Adult Programming: Janine Bessemer had nothing to report. She gave a heartfelt thank you to Pastor Phil and church members for all the support given to she, her husband Russ and their son, Adam, during Adam’s stay in the hospital. She said it meant so much to all of them.
Membership: Jeanne Prueher announced there is a meeting scheduled for April 15.
Outreach: Jan Klawitter indicated East High School students will receive the loose plate offering for April. She received an email announcement of a 42nd Anniversary Fund Raiser for Madison-area Urban Ministry.
Worship: Betsy Robbins said the Worship Committee’s big event had been Easter, followed next with Pentecost which will be easier by comparison. Betsy indicated the committee has been blessed with two new members, Cindy Rosch and Lisa Strub, who both have decorating talent.
Building and Grounds: Damon Smith said no formal meeting has been held, but emails have been sent between committee members. Mikos Pitas will be presenting his Eagle Scout project to the Council at the May meeting. In the meantime, David Ast and Dean Baumgardner will be reviewing and walking the path with Mikos on his trail improvement plan, keeping in mind future maintenance that might be required. Damon announced the WiFi router has been upgraded, therefore, improving the church WiFi system.
Josh Gormley asked for a motion to approve the committee reports. Jacy Boldebuck made the motion with a second by Jan Klawitter. Motion passed.
Old Business: There was none to review.
New Business: There was none.
Josh Gormley asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Jan Klawitter made the motion to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Jan Dunaway, Recording Secretary