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Council Minutes for March 10, 2015

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Approved minutes

Present:  Josh Gormley (President of Council), Phil Haslanger (Pastor), Rebecca Malke (Director of Faith Development), John VanOverbeke (Financial Secretary), Sarah Fritz, Damon Smith, Betsy Robbins, Jeanne Prueher,  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Jan Klawitter.

Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.
Josh Gormley asked for approval of the minutes from the Council meeting held on February 10, 2015.  Janine Bessemer made the motion for approval and seconded by Jacy Boldebuck.  Motion passed.
Tom Pugh and Ree Hale were introduced as representatives of Campital Campaign – the effort by the two United Church of Christ camps in Wisconsin to raise money – and they conducted a presentation to the Council.  After the presentation, the Council had a discussion regarding the Campital Campaign.  On April 12, 2015, a video of the Campital Campaign will be shown to the congregation.

FINANCIAL REPORT:  John Van Overbeke reported the MUCC Budget was right on target with no real issues for income or expenses.  The Endowment Fund has a balance of $13,728.  The Pastor’s Discretionary Fund had a donation of $1,800, plus an additional $200.  Lee Enterprises refunded $998 from Pastor Phil’s 2013 insurance premium.  Josh Gormley asked for a motion to accept the financial report.  Janine Bessemer made the motion and seconded by Jan Klawitter.  Motion passed.

PASTOR’S REPORT:  Pastor Phil reported $350was donated by MUCC to the Madison-area Urban Ministry for Tony Robinson’s funeral.  He delivered cupcakes to the Fitchburg Police Department and remembered Sue Williams, assistant chief of police and a member of Memorial,  in prayer.  The wider UCC is involved in dealing with racial gaps in our community.  On March 22 there will be a service at Zion City International Church and MUCC has been invited to attend the church service and social time following.  Members attending are asked to bring snacks for social sharing.  Pastor Phil was contacted by a representative from Weight Watchers requesting to rent our Fellowship Hall beginning mid-April.  More information to follow on the decision after receiving additional information.  Pastor Phil asked for approval of Jacy Boldebuck to be the delegate to attend the Delegates Association Annual Meeting on Saturday, April 11 from 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM.  Janine Bessemer made the motion for approval and seconded by Sarah Fritz.  Motion passed.

FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR’S REPORT:  Rebecca Malke reported she attended an area Faith Formation Director’s meeting and she indicated it was a great three-hour meeting.  On April 29, there will be a class/workshop at MUCC on gender identity.  It will be conducted by Orin Wells from the Central Office of the Madison School District and will be a 60-90  minute discussion.  Kelly Jetzer is contacting families to extend an invitation to attend.

Faith Development:  Sarah Fritz had nothing to report.

Trustees:  Jacy Boldebuck, liaison to the Trustees, deferred to John Van Overbeke for the report as he is a member of the MUCC Trustees.   John reported the Trustees approved three requests from the Endowment Fund.  One $500 request to Verona Area Needs Network “Move the Food Campaign” and another $500 matching grant request to East High School Kenya Project to send students to Kenya.  Also a request to Catholic Indian Mission for maintenance and teaching for $25.  The Council approved a request by Nona Suhr for $1,000 for Lakeland College, a UCC affiliated college in Sheboygan to help fund a program in Philosophy, Ethics and Christian Thought.  A request was made for $1,600 for tuition for Bright Stars of Bethlehem Dar Al Kalima College, a project of MUCC’s partner church, Christmas Lutheran.  This would supplement the money raised in December at the Cookie and Craft sale to fund a full tuition for one student.  John Van Overbeke asked for approval of the Trustees report.  Janine Bessemer made the motion to approve the two grants exceeding $500 and it was seconded by Jeanne Prueher.  Motion passed.

Adult Programming:  Janine Bessemer reported the Adult Programming Committee had not held a meeting since the last Council meeting.  Pastor Phil reported Al Krug was on target for the Easter Breakfast.

Membership:  Jeanne Prueher reported some of the discussions of the Membership meeting were welcoming new members, care card distribution, over 80 luncheon, Christmas care packages, new picture directory website and signing up for fellowship.

Outreach:  Jan Klawitter reported the Outreach Committee discussed the loose-plate offering and during March it will be given to One Great Hour of Sharing.  In April, East High School will be talking about a project in association with Kenya.  Jan also reported Shirley Robbins is looking to phase out of being the representative to Allied Partners and she is asking for an understudy.

Worship:  Betsy had no report from the Worship Committee.  Pastor Phil indicated Lent and Easter decorations are the main focuses for the committee.

Building and Grounds:  Damon Smith reported that Mikos Pitas is working on his Boy Scout project of a walkway to the MUCC Memorial Gardens.  David Ast is assisting Mikos on this project.  Pastor Phil reported the wireless network is being upgraded.
Josh asked for a motion to approve the committee reports.  Jan Klawitter made the motion with a second by Betsy Robbins.  Motion passed.

Pastor Phil gave an update for the Music Director search.  One application has been received and the application deadline is the end of March 2015.

The Council met on February 17, 2015 for a review of Council goals and to set new ones for 2015 and they are as follows:

CONNECTING THE CONGREGATION AND THE COMMUNITY:  Building bridges with racial and ethnic communities, an array of faith traditions and through service to the community.
CONNECTING MEMBERS WITHIN THE CONGREGATION:  Strengthening bonds through worship, outreach, events and social media.
CONNECTING WITH OUR NATURAL ENVIRONMENT:  Focusing on sustainable use of our resources and wise use of our property.
Make our status as an OPEN AND AFFIRMING congregation more visible to the public.
Update the structure and descriptions of OUR COMMITTEES.

Josh asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Jacy Boldebuck made the motion to adjourn.

Minutes submitted by Jan Dunaway, Recording Secretary
