Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting
August 14, 2018
Present: Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Sarah Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke and Sue Webb
Absent: Ryan Estrella, Rita Elver and Jon Van Overbeke
Guest: Gary Johnson
Jacy opened with a prayer.
Jan made a motion to approve the June minutes. Sue seconded. Passed.
Trustees Report
Gary indicates that the solar project has received $41,300 in pledges and recommends any surplus be transferred to the Major Maintenance Fund. Vanguard investments have realized a $3,400 return thus far in 2018. General non-pledge giving continues to be unfavorable, nevertheless, there is a current cash surplus of approximately $3,500. Jan moved and Sue seconded a motion to approve Gary’s report. Motion passed.
Thank you notes will be sent to all who donated to the solar project.
Pastor’s Report
Upcoming events: Blessings of school backpacks is scheduled for September 2nd. Karin Wells’ ecclesiastical council went well on August 12th and she will be ordained on September 23rd.
The Shannondale Mississippi confirmation trip with two youth was a great experience.
Representatives are needed for both MOSES and United Against Hate groups.
At least four new members will covenant with Memorial in the near future.
The Care Ministry is settling into 3 groups: cards, food and health and wellness/visits. MUCC could also consider whether to receive training in becoming a dementia-friendly congregation and partnering with Verona’s Salem UCC in Stephen Ministry training.
Discussed prayer chains, pew pads, prayer requests
Music Makers would like to know of any security procedures/active shooter recommendations that MUCC received. Council members want to be helpful but are unable to guarantee the safety of the group in an emergency setting
Faith Development Director’s Report
The breakout session on Dr. Who at the Great Lakes Regional Youth Conference in July was very successful. Two youth and 5 adults participated in worship at the Hindu Temple and 37 youth attended vacation bible school.
Discussed the historical pay of the music director and the vacation bible school director,
Shared the “Welcome” brochure for Sunday School and plans for a potluck and game night celebration of back to school. There will be a wellness book fair for adults soon.
The nursery position has been posted. Interviews are scheduled for Labor Day weekend.
Committee Reports
Faith Development: No report.
Special Events: Janine reports the annual cookout has been scheduled for Labor Day weekend. Any leftovers will be shared with the Care Committee for delivery to those who are housebound or unable to attend. Also planning for Karen Well’s ordination.
Membership: No report.
Outreach: No report.
Buildings & Grounds: Anticipating and planning for major expenses for new carpeting, parking lot resurfacing and insulation are ongoing.
Worship: No report.
Old Business
Personnel Committee: No report.
New Business
Music Makers—agreed not to increase rent. Council envisions this partnership as more of a ministry rather than a landlord-tenant relationship. Discussed how we can be more hospitable.
Stewardship Committee—looking for direction. Could use more members. Discussed whether 2018 should include cottage groups/testimony? First meeting of the committee is scheduled for September 10th.
Pastoral Relations—Search Committee served in this capacity Kris’s first year. Sonja Short will be on this Committee but need 4 more members.
Motion to adjourn passed.
Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin