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Council minutes for December 12, 2017

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Present:  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Ryan Estrella, Sara Fritz, Rita Elver, Cathy Halpin, Orion Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke, and Sue Webb

Absent:  None

Pastor Kris opened with a reflection on Advent and discussed creating a place to discuss emotional subjects occurring in the United States. Kris also made selected readings from The Boston Declarations: A prophetic appeal to Christians of the United States.

Motion to approve the revised minutes of November 14, 2017 offered by Janine, seconded by Sarah, approved.

Financial Report


Trustees Report

Approved payment of $500 each to ARC Dane County, Boys & Girls Club and Dream. Provided $1,000 to Open Doors for Refugees as part of a match for a new employment program. Motion to approve the report offered by Janine, seconded by Sue, approved.

2018 Budget

Adjusted draft budget to transfer $2,500 from reserves to the general operating fund. Pastor’s 2018 housing allowance will be $28,000, secretarial time will be increased from 12 hours per week to 13 hours per week.

Pastor’s Report

There has been good participation in recent events:  70 at the Night of Music, 32 attended the movie A Star, collected and sent 10 College Care packages, 60 at the Carol Williams’ Memorial service.

The results of the Time and Talent Surveys are being given to the Committee Chairs. Wonderful response to the Membership/Care Team (8 on Membership, 7 on Care Team/Chariot Drivers plus 9 new people expressed interest in helping).

Notified Council of upcoming speakers about immigration: Lisa Hart on becoming an Immigrant Welcoming Conference, Jim and Jan Hornik about Open Doors, and Sergio Gonzalez from Dane Sanctuary.

Discussed plans for Transition Sunday, Longest Night Service, Christmas Eve Day worship times, and an upcoming baptism and commitment ceremony.

Kris will be submitting continuing education requests for 1) Developing Leaders through Coaching, 2) Dear White Christians: A Path Toward Racial Justice and 3) Preaching in Politics.  Kris asked the Council to consider a 2018 retreat for Council and Committee members. Also asked to consider a visioning team and/or care team to attend the Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations.

Kris and Steve will be renting a duplex in Fitchburg on a month-to-month basis.

Faith Development Director Report

14 are scheduled to visit the Sikh Temple soon. 6 attended each of the advent worksheets, 32 attended the reserved Marcus Point Cinema showing of The Star, 20 attended Nifty Gifty program. Rebecca will arrange for a group showing of Paul: Apostle of Christ when the movie is available during Lent.

Committee Reports

 Faith Development:  No report.

Special Events: Janine reports they are discussing having a chili cook-off in 2018.

Membership: Rita reports they packed 10 boxes for college student members. Will continue to send care cards and will continue coordinating Fellowship. Discussed coordination with the Care Committee about duties. Will contact the Chariot Committee about providing transportation to Steve Ferris.

Worship: Worship Committee will continue to schedule communion and liturgists. Kris indicates the Committee has decorated for Advent and are planning Christmas decorations.

Outreach: Jan reports great success for providing coats and gift cards to the Freedom Inc. family they sponsored for Christmas. Giving Locally donations that were collected in 2017 (and carried over from 2016) for use in 2018 totals over $5,000.

Buildings & Grounds: John reports the fan in the men’s room as well as the emergency lighting in the youth room have been repaired.

Old Business

AED training will be scheduled in February.

Jacy has contacted Sue Williams about crisis planning and will report back when we’ve received a response. Wisconsin Council on Churches has a seminar on gun violence (both active shooter training and a curriculum on gun violence) we could explore. Dane County Sheriffs also have an active shooter training specifically for churches. Jan will contact Dane County Sheriff and report back.

Personnel Committee will include Kris, Cathy and Jen Ambord.

New Business

Council suggested 2018 Night of Music donations be given to Music Makers.

The annual meeting will be held after the 10:00 a.m. service on January 28th. We will discuss budget, crisis management and the parish nurse/care team transition.

Visioning kickoff-should we have a training retreat in 2018? Offsite could be beneficial. Possible curriculum is Reconnect with God’s Purpose. Timing–in the spring?

Jan moved and Janine seconded a motion to adjourn. Passed.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin
