Approved Minutes
Present: Josh Gormley (President of Council), Matt Kruse, Damon Smith, Phil Haslanger (Pastor), Gary Johnson (Chair of Trustees), Jacy Boldebuck, Jeanne Prueher, Betsy Robbins, Sarah Fritz, John Hilliard (Financial Secretary), Janine Bessemer.
Absent: Rebecca Malke (Faith Development Director)
Pastor Phil opened the meeting with a prayer.
Josh welcomed everyone by wishing them a “Happy New Year”.
The minutes of the December 9, 2014 meeting were approved after a motion from Jacy Boldebuck and seconded by Matt Kruse.
Financial Report: John Hilliard gave a very favorable report with a surplus of $17,893 for the 2015 budget. For the first time in his memory, pledges were over-budget. John reported a total surplus of $55,000 at present in the budget reserved for a rainy day.
Matt Kruse moved to accept the financial report, Sarah Fritz seconded.
Operating Budget: Gary Johnson presented the Annual Operating Budget for 2015. All staff were given a 3% raise for 2015. The 2015 proposed budget has a loss of $839, but he indicated he did not look for this small amount in the budget.
Gary also suggested the council approve a $50/month reimbursement to Pastor Phil for his cell phone usage. A resolution has been drafted. Josh asked for comments/questions.
Here is the motion: “MUCC realizes that people, both within and outside the congregation, expect to be able to contact its pastoral staff via both voice and email on a regular basis as well as in emergency situations. As a result, MUCC requires its pastoral staff to have a personally owned cell phone as a condition of employment. MUCC will provide a $50 monthly reimbursement to its pastoral staff for the business use of their personal cell phone. The reimbursement shall be documented consistent with other church related expenses. The reimbursement amount will be reviewed from time to time to ensure that it is reasonable.” Matt Kruse moved to approve the cell phone reimbursement; seconded by Jacy Boldebuck.
Matt Kruse moved to accept the 2015 operating budget, Janine Bessemer seconded.
Pastor’s Report: Pastor Phil reported the first 2014 Christmas service had an attendance of 118…36 of the total were children. The second service had an attendance of 91. The Longest Night service had an attendance of 16, but he indicated it might have to do with it being held on a Sunday night. The MUCC vital statistics indicate a 5% attendance drop in 2014 from 2013 attendance.
There are 6 – 8 new members expected to join MUCC in January.
Pastor Phil is working with Zion City International church on a combined effort for an Evening of Music. If this occurs, it would be held at their church due to more space for performing the music, plus more space for seating the attendees.
Pastor Phil indicated Betsy Robbins and Jeanne Prueher are Council members on the committee to find a new Music Director. He indicated 53 members responded to the music survey and most indicated they like the music provided each Sunday. He will write a summary after the music committee meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, January 28, 2015.
Pastor Phil will be in Indianapolis, IN January 29 – 31 to present a case study program based on the McFarland church on their social media program. Many people from across the country were invited to attend and it comes with no cost to MUCC.
Faith Formation Director’s Report: Rebecca Malke, Director was absent, so Sarah Fritz presented the report. In December, Rebecca met with Kaitlin, Lydia and Dianna for an annual review of the nursery attendants. Sunday school classes reconvened on January 4 with new training manuals for the teachers. Recruiting has begun for teachers for the March through June sessions.
The family sleigh ride to be held on January 23, 2015 has had a great response.
Chazen Art Museum is displaying The St. John’s Bible.
Ellen Reuter and Rebecca are heading a 7-session Bible Class beginning in mid-February. Danielle Wendt will be heading an Adult Bible Study with a future announcement on a starting date.
Committee Reports:
Adult Programming: Janine Bessemer reported a potential change for adult programming. Janine will talk to Jackie Neidhart who heads the Chili Cook Off and Al Krug who heads the Easter Breakfast and Grill Out. The proposal is for the adult programming to be be discontinued for now. Josh suggested tabling the discussion to the February council meeting, which gives Janine a chance to speak with Jackie and Al regarding the new concept. Matt Kruse moved to table until next month; Betsy Robbins seconded. It passed.
Membership Committee: The committee is in need of a Chair.
Outreach: Jeanne Prueher reported the Outreach committee did not meet in December 2014.
Worship: Jacy Boldebuck reported the Christmas decorations will be taken down on Sunday, January 12.
Building and Grounds: Damon Smith had no report.
Old Business:
Fellowship: Jacy Boldebuck reported on her new plan for fellowship after church services. She indicated members do want it and some kids want to help with clean up. The new plan being tested is to split the food and clean up each Sunday, so no one has to be in the kitchen until noon. The sign-up sheet is located in the Narthex and members are asked to keep the food very simple and spend no more than $20. The experiment will be through May to test the results and comments. It was indicated that a kitchen committee may be formed. Pastor Phil will continue to make coffee for the early service and the worship team will make the coffee for the second service. Al Krug and Nancy Potter are looking into different coffeemakers. An update will be given at a later time.
Nominating Committee: Josh Gormley reported that Jan Klawitter will be nominated to replace Matt Kruse as a Council member. Janine Bessemer and Josh Gormley will be seeking new terms. Damon Smith will be seeking his first term as he replaced another Council member. The nominations will go before the congregation for voting at the annual meeting held on Sunday, January 25, 2015. Council members serve two-years each term and can serve for three terms.
John Hilliard indicated he has found a volunteer to replace him as Financial Secretary for MUCC. The announcement of this person will be made in February or March. The Council will then make a motion to accept.
Pastor Phil brought to the Council’s attention that Jan Dunaway needed to be voted in as Recording Secretary. Cindy Rosch and Collette Corwin are substitute recorders. Damon Smith made the motion to name Jan as Recording Secretary; Matt Kruse seconded. Motion adopted.
Loose Plate Offering: This discussion is deferred to the February meeting giving Josh Gormley time to talk with Gary Johnson.
New Business:
Annual Meeting: The annual meeting to approve the 2015 budget and council members will be held on January 25, 2015. The agenda should be given to Jean Lepro.
Josh Gormley thanked Matt Kruse for his council participation. He also welcomed him to come back in the future.
Pastor Phil asked the council if they would like a retreat to set goals for 2015. Josh Gormley indicated it was a good idea to set new goals. Jacy Boldebuck asked if it could be held at a restaurant. The retreat will be held on Tuesday, February 17 at 7:00 PM at a restaurant location to be determined.
Matt Kruse made the motion to adjourn.
Minutes submitted by Jan Dunaway, Recording Secretary