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Council minutes for March 13, 2018

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Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting

March 13, 2018


Present:  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Rita Elver, Ryan Estrella, Sara Fritz, Kris Gorton, Kelly Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, John Van Overbeke, and Sue Webb

Absent:  Rebecca Malke

Pastor Kris opened with a prayer.

Jan made a motion to approve the January minutes and February minutes as adjusted. Sue seconded. Passed.

Financial Report

John indicates loose plate and non-pledge amounts have been lower than budgeted. Nevertheless, expenses have also been slightly under budget. Jan moved and Kelly seconded to accept John’s report. Passed.

Trustees Report

John indicates that Trustees have moved $147,000 out of the Ahrnsbrak endowment and placed $80,000 into a Vanguard CD for one-year at 2.1%. $250 from Ahrnsbrak has been used to match a Renew Wisconsin grant to study the feasibility of adding solar panels to MUCC.  $500 from Memorial funds will be used to purchase a new vacuum cleaner. MUCC will fund any campership request shortfalls for the year. Building mortgage will be complete in 2020.

Trustees will start to send MUCC spending info periodically in weekly bulletins.

Pastor’s Report

 Kris will be a witness to the student walkout at the Capitol on gun violence.

The post-it note 3 week plan went well.

Kris asks how do we or how should we decide which missions MUCC should tackle?

The “care team plus” seems to be coalescing. The group will be adding meal trains, visits and cards together for a six month trial to see if it’s working.

Kris will be attending a Howard Thurman seminar.

Discussed if, when and how we open the chapel for personal prayer time in the face of ongoing national troubles.

Discussed ways to track success and participation. What should we track?

Faith Development Director Report

Sarah indicates the Challenge of Paul class was well attended. They may extend the course an additional week in order to complete the DVD series.

Sister Mary Lechtenberg will lead payer, reflection and provide information about the women who walked with Jesus as he carried the cross on Saturday March 17th (Women along the Way of the Cross).

Valentines Date Night went well. Three confirmands helped out with six children.

The Doctor Who and Theology group will celebrate its 3rd anniversary soon. The group will continue although they will alternate leadership monthly.

It has been difficult to recruit teachers for 4K-1st and 2nd-4th graders. The Faith Development Committee will need to explore how to expand the list of teachers.

Confirmation youth and their families will visit Temple Beth El March 16th and learn more about Paganism and Earth Day at Circle Sanctuary on April 21st.

The Summer Servants program along with Middleton Community Church will begin June 11-15th. Students in 6th through 12th grades will be included this year along with the confirmands.

Four youth will be attending the Great Lakes Regional Youth Event in Elmhurst, IL June 11-15th. A male chaperone is needed to help.

Committee Reports

 Faith Development:  No report.

Special Events: Janine reports the chili cook-off went well.

The Easter Egg Hunt will start at 9:30 and end before 10:00 services. Easter breakfast is planned starting at 9:00. Also garage sale planning is going well though it should be noted that the other Fitchburg church which coordinates their garage sale with ours is not going to participate this year.

Membership: Rita reports the first Soup Luncheon was attended by 16. The group decided they did not want a set program but just visit instead. The National Park Great Learning Course has been going well; attended by about 10. Membership Committee will be ordering donuts if there are no volunteers to host fellowship. Thank you to Tony Young for providing corned beef and cabbage the Sunday before St. Patrick’s Day.

Outreach: No report.

Buildings & Grounds: Ryan indicates Buildings and Grounds (B&G) will need a letter from Council okaying the solar project feasibility study to be eligible to receive the $250 grant mentioned in the Trustee’s report.

B&G will be asked to label the defibrillator with MUCC’s street address and phone number to report in an emergency.

Worship:  Kelly reports that planning for Good Friday and Maundy Thursday is going well. There will be a Hatian meal and speaker on Maundy Thursday. Youth will be providing a musical in place of the spring play after Easter.

Old Business

Council retreat will be held Sunday March 18th at the Egg & I from 11:30 until 1:00. Could discuss visioning, goals and/or just get to know each other a little better.

New Business

Consider if we should include “Council Member” on name tags.

Another question for the Congregation: How has your church blessed you?

March Coffee with Council feedback: Parishioners noticed we do not always offer ‘peace’ during services. Usher teams should always send the offering plate down each set of pews rather than trying to reach someone privately.

The SW Association has asked if they may use our building for their April and May meetings. Sue moved to approve, Jan seconded. Passed.

Jan moved to adjourn. Passed.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin
