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Council minutes for February 13 , 2018

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Memorial United Church of Christ Council Meeting

February 13, 2018

Present:  Janine Bessemer, Jacy Boldebuck, Sara Fritz, Kelly Jetzer, Jan Klawitter, Rebecca Malke, John Van Overbeke, and Sue Webb

Guest:  Tony Young

Absent:  Rita Elver and Ryan Etrella

Pastor Kris opened with a prayer. Welcomes Kelly Jetzer as a Council Member.

Trustees Report

Motion to approve a change in usage of $1,000. Instead of a new interviewing skill course, Council approved $1,000 for Open Doors for beds.

$50,000 has been moved from Vanguard to MUCC. $10,000 of this will be invest now with the remainder discussed at a later date.

Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra (WYSO) issues discussed. There should be a walk-through at the end of the day on Saturdays as there are still space issues in the youth room and back closet storage areas. Kris will set up a time to discuss with Paran and include Rebecca.

The janitors need to address building cleanliness. Buildings and Grounds, with Kris as liaison, will set up a time to discuss.

Pastor’s Report

Has been working on setting up card, food and visiting ministries. Has contacted 24 members/friends who have not been at MUCC for a while sending “Save the Date’ cards on upcoming events.  Spending time planning for Lent and Holy Week and working on confirmation and youth events: Tijuana Mexico service trip in June with confirmands, Great Lakes Regional Youth Event in July.

Kris would like help in determining who locks up the building, turns on heat, etc. Determined that Orchard Ridge and 1st Congregational UCCs provide pulpit assistance during her continuing education and vacation leaves.

Kris has started up an Administrative Committee to assist with clerical projects. Terry Hoffman and Cathy Halpin will assist Barb St. John as administrative/clerical duties transition among Barb, Kris, Rebecca and the parish nurse/care teams. John Van Overbeke reminds that if additional clerical overtime is needed it should be discussed in Council again.

Faith Development Director Report

Three confirmands will be chaperoning the Valentine’s Date Night. Four youth will be attending the Great Lakes Regional Youth event in July. UCC will again pair with Middleton’s UCC on a Summer Servant program. The Dr. Who program will be restructured and continue under new leadership. At least four will participate in the Challenge of Paul program during Lent.

There will not be a spring play this year. Perhaps Jonathan Schroelucke would consider a musical in its place?

Rebecca is helping plan a Women in Religion workshop for conference to be held in February 2019.

Council determined Sunday school teachers will be needed up to and including June 3rd. There will be a single service at 9:30, starting on June 3rd, for the months of June, July and August.

Committee Reports

Council members agreed to keep the Committee liaison assignments they have had and Kelly will replace Orion on the Worship Committee.

Faith Development:  No report.

Special Events: Kelly reports the Worship Committee is working on the liturgist schedule. Also planning for Good Friday, Maundy Thursday and Easter Services. Jacy will work to get a media schedule.

Outreach: No report.

Buildings & Grounds: Ryan sent minutes of the February 7th meeting. Spring Cleanup Day is May 12th with a rain date of May 19h. The committee will be touching base with the gardening group and the memorial garden adopt-a-tree group. Discussing need to add additional insulation, mud jacking entryway concrete, and a new vacuum.

Membership: No report.

Old Business

Personnel Committee:  Terry Hoffman, Jennifer Ambord, Al Krug, Cathy Halpin and Pastor Kris. Kris will set up a meeting to discuss the schedule, duties and mission of the group.

The annual meeting was well attended. Discussion items for follow-up from the annual meeting;

  • Have a note taker at the 2019 annual meeting
  • Update church directory. Don’t post it on the website but let everyone know we want updates and changes
  • Post council minutes on web site and paper copy in the narthex (Jacy will do this)
  • Council members should wear yellow name tags
  • Council should host fellowship at least quarterly
  • Congregation needs to know who is on, and how to contact, Council: should be in the bulletin, in writing, discussed regularly on Sundays
  • Jacy is creating a suggestion box

New Business

Approved use of the building for a Sunday afternoon, March 18th recital.

The pastoral Search Committee will continue as the Pastoral Support Committee for Kris. They should meet regularly.

We should check in with all the committees. How are they doing? Do they have enough volunteers? Let’s invite a committee a month to Council meetings—Worship Committee will be invited to the March meeting.

Council will schedule a retreat on March 18th to discuss visioning and strategic planning.

Sue moved to adjourn. Passed.

Respectfully submitted by Cathy Halpin
